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Purdy got shot, an' everyone said he got just what was comin' to him Me, an' everyone else an' he did. But when you get down to cases, he wasn't no hell of a lot worse'n me, at that. We was both after the same thing only his work was coarser." For hours the man sat staring into his fire, the while he rolled and smoked many cigarettes. "Oh, hell!" he exclaimed, aloud.

Nevertheless the secret was kept, and as Judith sat with Sally May and Frances Purdy and all the other new girls on Friday night and listened to the noise behind the green curtain, she felt that she could bear the suspense no longer.

Healy's gave way for the time, not because he was mastered, but because he did not wish to alienate the rough, but fair-minded, men sitting around. "You're mighty good at explaining me to the boys, Jim. I expect that is what I mean," he answered sullenly. "Sure," put in Purdy, with amiable intent. "But when it comes to Mr. Keller I can explain myself tol'able well.

And then, when he came, still impudently, on to her car, still familiar, but letting her see by the movement of his head that he had gone away to somebody else for the time being, and was enjoying pastures new, then she determined to have her own back. She had a very shrewd idea what girls John Thomas had taken out. She went to Nora Purdy.

My division was on the extreme right of the right wing, and marched out by the "White House," leaving Monterey or Pea Ridge to the south. Crossing Lick Creek, we came into the main road about a mile south of Monterey, where we turned square to the right, and came into the Purdy road, near "Elams."

Nothing but a little open space, and the forest around, and the sun blazing down at us. "We pushed on for headquarters, Purdy leading us. A hundred miles to go! I don't know how we did it. Three more died, including the mate, but we didn't bury those. Purdy kept on the move. He told me, after an eternity, that it was just ahead of us, and at last we did come to some other men.

Mahony made a quick, repellent movement of the shoulder. But Purdy, some vagrom fancy quickened in him, either by the voice, which was not unrefined, or by the stealthiness of the approach, Purdy turned to look. "Come, come, my boy. We've no time to lose." Without raising her pleasant voice, the woman levelled a volley of abuse at Mahony, then muttered a word in Purdy's ear.

Then, though Purdy jumped to his feet and the laughter died out as if by command, he drew his brows together, and without saying a word, stalked into the surgery and shut the door. Like a schoolboy who has been caned, Purdy dug his knuckles into his eyes and rubbed his hindquarters to the fresh delight of Trotty and the girl. "Well, so long, Polly! I'd better be making tracks.

"I've got to hold her," replied Orde between his clenched teeth. "Have you seen Newmark? Where in HELL is Newmark? I need him for fifty things, and he's disappeared off the face of the earth! Purdy! that second cable! She's snapped a strand! Get a reinforcing line on her!" He ran in the direction of the new danger without another thought of Welton.

My division was on the extreme right of the right wing, and marched out by the "White House," leaving Monterey or Pea Ridge to the south. Crossing Lick Creek, we came into the main road about a mile south of Monterey, where we turned square to the right, and came into the Purdy road, near "Elams."