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Allison was maintaining that it was not good for Leslie to go with a girl like that, that all the fellows despised; and Leslie was pouting and saying she didn't see why he had to be so prejudiced and unfair; and Julia Cloud was looking troubled and wondering whether her heart and her head were both on the wrong side, or what she ought to do about it, when a step behind them made them all turn around startled.

"But to return to Percival, isn't it quite plain to you that he was pouting like a school-boy because he had not been asked to take part in today's exercises?" "He was asked to take part in them. I asked him myself." He glanced at her sharply. "You never told me you had asked him, Ruth." "The night the crime was committed," she said briefly. "He was very nice about it.

Augustus said, pleadingly. "Certainly not here," I exclaimed. "How can you be so horrid?" "You are a little vixen." "You may call me what you like; I do not care. But you shall not me a public disgrace," I retorted. "I think you are deucedly unkind to me," he said, his sulky underlip pouting.

"I didn't mean to be rude, mamma," returned Nellie, blushing scarlet and pouting her lips, "only it would be very funny, wouldn't it?" "I daresay it would," said John, relieved by the interruption. "I wish you would advise me what to do, Mrs. Goddard," he added in a confidential tone. "I?" she exclaimed, and then laughed. "How should I be able to advise you?"

Adam took the opportunity of looking round too; and I am sure you will not require of him that he should feel any vexation in observing a pouting expression on Hetty's face as she listened to the gardener's small talk. Yet in her secret heart she was glad to have him by her side, for she would perhaps learn from him how it was Arthur had not come to church.

You began to think of it, too, hidden, hidden in the cabinet drawer. You were disturbed by the thought of the green box, of the little figures inside it, white and green. You would get up and go to the cabinet drawer. Mamma would put out her hands on the table, ready. She smiled with shut lips, pouting, half ashamed, half delighted.

But not on these evidences of wealth and state turned the eyes, so familiar to them, that they woke no vanity, and roused no pride. With downcast looks and a pouting lip, Isabel listened to the silver voice of Anne. "Dear sister, be just to Clarence. He cannot openly defy his king and brother.

His teeth were yellow fangs and his complexion suggested a bad case of San José scale, but his distinctive feature was a long elastic upper lip which he had a habit of puffing out like a bear pouting in a trap.

Miss Ogilvie and her pouting companion were received by a fashionable- nay, extra fashionable looking person, whom Mary and Kate Gould called Cousin Lisette, and the old farmer, Eliza Gould.

"Have yon, as I did, closely noticed the little commanding tone of your son when he made known to me his wish that he wanted me to be in the Tuileries with him? And then his little pouting mien when I answered that this could not be? "'Why, exclaimed he, in his own way, 'why, since papa and I wish it?