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"What's up?" enquired Roger, as he obediently followed Patty's whispered order to "come along and behave yourself." "Nothing," returned Patty, airily; "I have to have my own way, that's all; and as my old friend and comrade, you have to help me to get it." "Always ready," declared Roger, promptly, "but seems to me, Pitty- Pat, the colossal cowboy is already a Willing Willy to your caprices."

So if you are real good, and take care of your cold, and get a little strong about walking, you can go back with me. And to-morrow night you can sit in daddy's chair before the fireplace, and we'll have chicken and " "All right all right!" Ward laughed suddenly. "Will you give me a lump of sugar and let me look at all the pitty pittys in the album? Oh, you William the Conqueror!"

"Me and Helen, we like pitty man! We go with pitty man!" Helen blushed; while the captain, laughing, took a piece of money from his pocket and gave it to Willie for the compliment. Frank, who had been absent a moment, now joined the group, evidently much pleased at something. "The funniest thing has happened!

After father rode away, Buddy crept up and put his two short arms around mother. "Don't cry. I don't have to drink any water," he soothed her. He waited a minute and added optimistically, "Dere's a BI IG wiver comin' pitty soon. Oxes smells water a hunerd miles. Ezra says so. An' las' night Crumpy was snuffin' an' snuffin'. I saw 'im do it. He smelt a BIG wiver. THAT bi-ig!"

We left the Iroquoits in his fort and the feare in our breeches, for without apprehension we rowed from friday to tuesday without intermission. We had scarce to eat a bitt of sault meat. It was pitty to see our feete & leggs in blood by drawing our boats through the swift streames, where the rocks have such sharp points that there is nothing but death could make men doe what we did.

Hee'll promise any thing: I have seene him talke At the Church dore with his hat of to a Begger Almost an houre togeather, yet when he left him He gave him not a doyt. He do's profes To all an outward pitty, but within The devills more tender: the great plague upon him! Why thinck I of him? he's no part of that Must make my peace. 1 Cap. Why, what course will you take then? 2 Cap.

I was kind of just sitting around this afternoon, and I didn't know I was thinking about anything at all very much, and then all of a sudden I said it to myself out loud. It was about as strange a thing as I ever knew of. Don't YOU think so?" "Ess. It uz dest WEIRD!" she answered. "What ARE dat pitty names?" "I called you," said William, huskily and reverently, "I called you 'My Baby-Talk Lady."

That this has been no more reflected upon from a Principle of Pitty to that tender Age of Children which so much requires help, seems very strange: For what can move a juster Commiseration than to see such poor innocents, so far from having the Aid they stand in need of, that even those who the most wish to do them good, and who resent, with the deepest Compassion, every little Malady which afflicts their Bodies, do never attempt to rescue them from the greatest evils which attend them in this Life, but even themselves assist to plunge them therein, by cherishing in them those Passions which will inevitably render them miserable?

"Her's dere too, an' Mistah Drane, an' he tissed me, an' say I'se a fine 'ittle man, an' he will tek me a nice wide on his pitty b'ack hawse; so huwy up, sisser, an' tum an' see him, so's we tan doe a-widin'." When the girl entered the parlor, she saw at once that this was to be a momentous interview. Her mother, dressed in her best silk gown, but looking pale and nervous, was talking to Mr.

Ten. Enter Don John below. Gyr. What makes Don John here? Oh, now I remember: You come against the Englishman. Jo. Yes, my Lord. Enter his Lady and a Gentlewoman above. Mac. Lady. Here may we see & heare: poore Englishman! Sadnes! I cast on thee a noble pitty, A pitty mixt with sorrow that my Husband Has drawne him to this misery, to whom The soldier gave life being at his mercy. Gent.