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Tardrew's wrath, of course, knew no bounds; and meeting Thurnall standing at Willis's door, with Frank and Mellot, he fell upon him open-mouthed. "Well, sir! I've a crow to pick with you." "Pick away!" quoth Tom. "What business have you meddling between his lordship and me?" "That is my concern," quoth Tom, who evidently was not disinclined to quarrel.

He forgot his turquoise finger nails, and stared, open-mouthed. "Ain't going to die?" he said. "What do yer mean?" "Simply that you aren't going to die," was Sarakoff's soft answer. "Yer mean, not die of the Blue Disease?" "Not die at all." "Garn! Not die at all." He looked at me. "What's he mean, Mister?" He looked almost surprised with himself at catching the drift of Sarakoff's sentence.

He taught himself to answer all possible questions, but on the morrow if by chance he met one of the aforesaid princesses dressed out, seated in a litter and escorted by her proud and well-armed pages, he remained open-mouthed, like a dog in the act of catching flies, at the sight of sweet countenance that so much inflamed him.

A thousand questions surged into my mind at once. I asked one of the simplest. "But how do you get back and forwards to your work?" "Work!" he said. "There isn't any work. It's finished. The last of it was all done centuries ago." I looked at him a moment open-mouthed. Then I turned and looked again at the grey desolation of the street with the asbestos figures moving here and there.

One person there was, who had listened to his oration in wonder and open-mouthed admiration, this was Jean Patoux. He had taken the opportunity offered him in a "cheap excursion" from Rouen to Paris, to visit a cousin of his who was a small florist owning a shop in the Rue St.

I am not well enough acquainted with the collection to be positive." Barnes was speechless. He could only stare, open-mouthed, at this amazing man. "Grip 'em tight," went on Sprouse, grinning. "I may relieve you of them if you get too careless. My advice to you is to hide them and keep your lips closed " "My God, Sprouse, have you been in that man's room since I saw you down "

The rush of Sonny's heavy body bore it backward clear of the Kid. The latter scrambled to his feet, stifled his sobs, and stared open-mouthed at the sudden fury of battle which confronted him. Had Sonny not been endowed with intelligence as well as valour, he would have fallen victim almost at once to his adversary's terrific, raking hind claws.

For the first time in his life the old soldier felt a sensation of dread that made him stare open-mouthed and wide-eyed at the man before him; and for that matter, the appearance of the apparition was sufficiently alarming even if unaccompanied by the mysterious circumstances of so sudden an entry.

His old friends gathered about him, and listened open-mouthed to his stories of mining life in California and his own wonderful exploits, which lost nothing in the telling. He found his faithful Susan unmarried, and lost no time in renewing his suit. He came, he saw, he conquered! In four weeks Susan became Mrs.

Killin' other folks don't agree with me a little bit. I don't mind a shine in a snug or a friendly scrap over an extry drink, but w'en it comes to them long knives " "And the colonel what is his name?" broke in Carmela, turning to loosen the surcingle. She could control her voice but not her eyes, and she did not wish to startle this open-mouthed gossip. "San Benavides, miss.