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Muff, whom she used to take into her private room, and of whom she won large sums at ecarte of which fact, I say, and of a hundred of her other knaveries, the Countess de Borodino informs every English person who stops at her establishment, and announces that Madame Rawdon was no better than a vipere.

She took up her muff, without making a courtesy, and retired very swiftly." "I am scarcely, fond of Madame de Maintenon," said I to Madame de Richelieu, "but I like her answer exceedingly. Madame is one of those great hermaphrodite bodies which the two sexes recognise and repulse at the same time.

Bill Andrews lost his Christian fortitude, give that toy muff a kick that landed him fifteen feet an' Barbie came around the corner, an' Dick came out of the office at the same time. The poor little pup was a-layin' on his back yelpin' like a love-sick bob-cat; a white rage came over me an' I pulled out my gun; but before I could use it Dick had sailed into him without a word.

In the winter a shaded satin muff, in which was hidden a bonbonniere, was the present that made glad the hearts of twenty- eight ladies. These are easily made in the house, and a plush muff with a bird's head is a favorite "favor." A pair of bellows is a pretty and inexpensive bonbonniere.

Whether my lady felt aggrieved or not nobody could discern; but the people about were aggrieved for her, and Miss Buff confided to a friend, in a semi-audible whisper of intense exasperation, that the rector was the biggest muff and toady that ever it had been her misfortune to know.

She was a pretty little girl, about four years old, and she wore a fur hat and a dark red coat with a fur collar. Her muff was tied to a string which went around her neck. She had her own sled, a little one. "Hello, Sunny Boy," she said, smiling. "Santa Claus brought me a sled, too." "What do you want to go coasting for?" asked Nelson, not waiting for Sunny Boy to answer.

Allen, invited by the former to dine with them, and summoned by the latter to guess the price and weigh the merits of a new muff and tippet. A pre-engagement in Edgar's Buildings prevented his accepting the invitation of one friend, and obliged him to hurry away as soon as he had satisfied the demands of the other.

This restored the smiles, and, with rod in hand, away he went in happiest spirits; and ere we were ready to depart, such was the change in the state of his feelings, that he privately confided to his brother, he thought him a great muff to go toiling up the rocks instead of stopping with him to catch the fish that were jumping about, almost asking to be taken out.

But I thought if I promised not to say anything about you and make out that it was all my fault, you wouldn't mind my telling Paddy." Gilks looked at the boy in perplexity. This was a code of morality decidedly beyond him, and for a moment he looked as if he half doubted whether it was not a jest. "What on earth do you mean, you young muff?" he exclaimed.

This was both thoughtful and thoughtless the latter because Margaret was in the habit of thinking that she became faint in crowds, especially at the theatre or in church, and she had just soaked her handkerchief with spirits of ammonia from a small phial she carried in her muff. Penrod hastily applied the handkerchief to his nose and even more hastily exploded.