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I'm only tellin' ye what I wad like. Especially gin ye hae fund yer father, ye maun gang by yer ain jeedgment aboot it, for there 'll be a hantle to do wi' him efter ye hae gotten a grup o' 'im. An' noo, I maun lie still, an' maybe sleep again, for I hae spoken ower muckle. Hoping that he would sleep and wake yet again, Robert sat still.

I thoucht yer lordship had been mair o' a gentleman by this time, or I wad hae sent a lawyer till ye, in place o' comin' mysel'." "What do you mean by that?" "It's plain ye cudna hae been muckle o' a gentleman ance, my lord; an' it seems ye're no muckle mair o' ane yet, for a' ye maun hae come throu' i' the meantime."

"Ay' I can staund muckle; but I canna staund murder!" "It is not even certain that there has been any murder committed. The coroner's jury have not yet brought in their verdict. Many people think that the old man fell dead with a sudden attack of heart-disease, and in falling, struck his head upon the top of that bronze statuette, which was found lying by him."

"But if she does as muckle work, would ye gie her the same money?" eagerly questioned the boy, and Mysie felt that there was no one surely so brave as Robert, nor so good, and she looked at him with gratitude in her eyes. "Very weel," said Walker, not desiring to prolong the interview. "Come oot the morn, an' I'll gie ye both one an' a penny."

"Ye was up in the ither dungeon last night," he said, turning to the man who had aided him; "what was a' the groans an' cries aboot?" "Torturin' the puir lads that tried to escape," answered the man with a dark frown. "Hm! I thoucht as muckle. They were gey hard on them, I dar'say?" "They were that!

Gibbie Glossin! that I have carried in my creels a hundred times, for his mother wasna muckle better than mysell he to presume to buy the barony of Ellangowan! Gude be wi' us it is an awfu' warld! I wished him ill but no sic a downfa' as a' that neither wae's me! wae's me to think o't!"

"Weel, Jeanie, I am something herse the night, and I canna sing muckle mair; and troth, I think, I am gaun to sleep." She drooped her head on her breast, a posture from which Jeanie, who would have given the world for an opportunity of quiet to consider the means and the probability of her escape, was very careful not to disturb her.

Man, ye chose it weel, for he's been colleckin' sae mony thae forty years, a' 'm feared for him. "A' 've often thocht oor doctor's little better than the Gude Samaritan, an' the Pharisees didna think muckle o' his chance aither in this warld or that which is tae come." Dr.

"Did he come to see you, grandmammy?" she asked. "Aye, aye, what else? juist as muckle as this young man here comes to see me. I had the word o' baith o' them for't. Ralph Peden says that he comes to see me, an' sae did the faither o' him " Again Mistress Skirving paused, for she was aware that her husband had turned on her one of his silent looks.

"Brawly, my lord; there's naething muckle the maitter wi' hit or me aither, noo 'at we're up. But I was jist nearhan' deid o' ower muckle bed." "Had n't you better come down out of that cockloft?" said the marquis, dropping his eyes. "Na, my lord; I dinna care aboot pairtin' wi' my neebour yet." "What neighbour?" "What! is he troublesome next? "Ow, na!