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A rush at the thief, with an angry chirp, sent Bobby flying away in ignominious haste, a wiser, but not a repentant bird; for he continued his robberies, only with care to avoid being caught; he ventured only a little way into the cage, ready to go out at a moment's notice. Zöe had a good deal of quiet humour, and was a character in her way.

There was a moment's silence after the two entered the portal, during which La Masque stood, tall, dark, and commanding, motionless as a marble column; and the little withered old specimen of humanity beside her stood gazing up at her with something between fear and fascination. "Do you know what has become of your charge, Prudence?" asked the low, vibrating voice of La Masque, at last.

There was a moment's silence during which tears choked the utterance of these simple people, and they could only clasp their hands and raise their eyes to heaven. When he had somewhat recovered from his emotion, John Joseph continued his recital in these words: "When the ceremony was over I went in search of my boys.

But a moment's consideration brought several objections to this mode of procedure In the first place, by observing this course he should break his promise of silence, and might probably by that means involve the safety, perhaps the life, of this woman, who had risked her own to preserve his, and who had voluntarily endowed him with this treasure a generosity which might thus become the means of her ruin.

"The King assumes to be the friend of the People, but if you ask him to do anything for the People, you only get the secretary's usual answer 'His Majesty regrets that it is impossible to take any action in the matter'!" "Wait! wait! " said Leroy, with a gesture which called for a moment's silence; "The question is, Could the King do anything if he would?"

They are sorely troubled as to probable sharp practice on the part of their social superior in the division of the spoils. The "spoils!" Shades of Croesus! The whole transaction is but an affair of battered kermis, intrinsically not worth a moment's consideration; but it serves its purpose of affording an interesting insight into the character of my escort.

He paused with hand on the door looking back at her. There was a moment's breathless silence; then her lips whispered: "Yes." I turned to look out into the black orchard, and then gazed back into the lighted room. I knew not what to do, how to act.

"Tell me about this last crime of hers," I asked. Monsieur le Curé's face grew serious, then again the smile of content spread to the corners of his firm mouth. "Oh! Nothing very gruesome," he confessed, then after a moment's silence he continued slowly: "Her children needed shoes and warm things for the winter.

I was about to answer in general medical terms, not daring to venture any positive assertions, when the distant sound of the bell at the gate fell upon our ears. "Visitors," said Sperver. There was a moment's silence. "Go and see who it is," said Odile, whose brow was for a minute shaded with anxiety. "How can one be hospitable to strangers at such a time? It is hardly possible!"

More sensitive than she, feeling the situation much more uncomfortably for his country-woman than she felt it for herself, a foreign-looking fellow, who had not quite forgotten that he was an American, after a moment's hard struggle against his impulse, hastened forward to shorten for her that uncompanioned course across the floor under ten thousand search-lights.