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I wonder why Barker, in his evidence, made no mention of that perfume or of the discovery of the feather?" And as he uttered those words he fixed his grave eyes upon her, watching her countenance intently. "Well," she replied, after a moment's hesitation, "if he had it would have proved nothing, would it?

'Stop! said the lawyer, after a moment's thought; 'I remember this detail my agent told me that M. Brenart was engaged in some work for "D et Cie" he named a great picture-dealing firm on the Boulevard St. Germain, famous for their illustrated books and editions de luxe. 'He did not hear what it was, but ah!

But Mrs. Ingleton took her up swiftly, realizing possibly that a moment's delay would mean the yielding of the ground she had so arrogantly claimed. "I shall manage you exactly as I choose," she said, raising her voice with abrupt violence. "I know very well your position in this house.

"The evidence is clear. The creature is an impostor and I, the head priest of Jad-ben-Otho in the city of A-lur, do condemn him to die." There was a moment's silence during which Lu-don evidently paused for the dramatic effect of his climax. "And if I am wrong may Jad-ben-Otho pierce my heart with his lightnings as I stand here before you all."

He groaned aloud as he thought of her, but reached for his hat and cane, when there came a gentle feminine rap at the door. "Let 'em knock!" grumbled the captain, angrily, but after a moment's reflection, he scowled and went and lifted the latch. There stood upon the doorstep a middle-aged woman, with a pleasant though determined face.

Often enough she had regarded this five-pound note as a barrier against the dread wolf that prowled about so many of the doors of The Jail, against absolute destitution. But, without a moment's hesitation, she folded it and put it in an envelope; but now she did hesitate; she stood, biting her lip softly, her brows knit.

He went to Flanders, where the armed assemblages for field-preaching had become so numerous that a force of thirty or forty thousand men might be set on foot almost at a moment's warning, and where the conservatives, in a state of alarm, desired the presence of their renowned governor. The people of Antwerp, on their part, demanded William of Orange.

After a moment's hesitation she drew out one of the white aprons which she had scornfully laid in the very lowest drawer only twelve hours before, tied it round her slender waist, and then, with an entirely satisfied little nod at the mirror, she tripped lightly downstairs and into the kitchen.

Murgatroyd, outwardly impassive, but inwardly filled with solemn fears for the fate of this impiously daring voyage, brought them wine and sandwiches, and later on tea and toast and more sandwiches; but they took no moment's heed of these, so absorbed were they in the wonderful spectacle which was swiftly passing under their eyes.

"That helped me," he continued, after a moment's pause. "For I've seen a good many things, especially since I've been working for a newspaper.