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The rich red of her dress had apparently brought out an answering red in her cheeks. Her eyes were very bright and her lips smiled; yet she seemed oddly nervous and restless. She sewed a little, with a bit of yellow silk on white but not for long. She knitted with two long ivory needles flashing in and out of a silky mesh of blue but this, too, she soon ceased doing.

The conversation had furnished Snelling with the opportunity to study more minutely the object on the table, and he now said with a motion of his hand toward it: "Wouldn't it be rather nice if you had some netting of coarser mesh and which wouldn't corrode?" "Oh, this screenin' ain't what I'd choose," returned Willie, "but 'twas all I had. I ripped it off the front door.

She paid the debt promptly from a flexible gold mesh bag on the table; then stooped and wandered among his books. Howat Penny turned to yesterday's Evening Post, and Mariana settled beyond the lamp. Outside the locusts were desperately shrill, and the heavy ticking of an old clock grew audible. "I don't like George Moore!" she exclaimed. He raised surprised, inquiring eyebrows.

"Robinson Crusoe," he said, "should be rewritten with a can-opener in the leading rôle." Mrs. Norton gave the talk a more practical turn by bringing up the topic of ptomaine poisoning. While the conversation drifted on, Mr. Magee pondered in silence the weird mesh in which he had become involved. What did it all mean? What brought these people to Baldpate Christmas week?

Miss Madeira's hands were in bad condition for driving, Steering thought, but she had taken the reins just the same. "We are all dilapidated for the matter of that," she said. "Father is as grey-faced as a rat, your cheeks are all cut and pricked my hands don't count." Twilight was coming on and a full moon was rising. The great sweep of flat stretched out about them in a mesh of soft light.

The future promised fair; I lured them to their doom, and when the doom came, lo! the promise was kept! but how? and now, Edith, the last of my race; Harold, the pride of my pride! speak, thing of Horror and Night, canst thou disentangle the web in which my soul struggles, weak as the fly in the spider's mesh?"

"Don't look at it squarely, it'll bring you bad luck," said Chapa. "I'm not looking at it," said Hinpoha, "it's looking at me." "Where does the man in the moon go when it turns into a sickle?" asked Medmangi. "That doesn't worry me half so much as where Pearl went with my silver mesh bag," said Gladys.

Parents and community alike insist on rousing an adult sympathetic response, and a mental answer in the child-schools, Sunday-schools, books, home-influence all works in this one pernicious way. But it is the home, the parents, that work most effectively and intensely. There is the most intimate mesh of love, love-bullying, and "understanding" in which a child is entangled.

With straining back and smarting fingers he worked by the fisherman's side hauling the heavy webbing to the deck. As they reached the middle of the string the weight of the sagging nets increased and a number of glistening barracuda floundered from the water, gilled by the strong mesh. The girl observed the fish with darkening brow. "The dirty robbers," she exclaimed wrathfully.

Mesh by mesh, like an enthralling net, all the different threads of convicting circumstances were drawn about the accused man. "Let us question him?" said Crane; and in his heart was not sorrow, nor hate, nor compassion, nor anything but just joy.