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"There ain't a man left," put in Mehitabel, a severe elderly servant, who had the air of being personally responsible for her mistress, and of being bound to fulfill her duties faithfully, even if the effort killed her. "I see Dr. Strong go gallopin' past first, and the other doctors was all after him; even to that little squinchy electrical image that's round the corner on Front Street."

That afternoon Mehitabel Heasty had come to visit May, so she went along, and I followed. They poked around the driftwood at the floodgate behind the barn, and were giving up the place. Candace had crossed the creek and was coming back, and May had started, when she saw a tiny little one and chased it.

And then Midget felt more kisses on her forehead, and a hearty pat on her back, as a voice, not quite steady, but determinedly cheerful, said: "Brace up now, Mehitabel, we want you to go riding with us." Marjorie looked up, with a sudden smile, and then again buried her face on her father's shoulder and almost strangled him as she flung her arms round his neck.

But, as I said before, inquire of the snake. "Mrs. Mehitabel Thirteenth Scraggs opened up on me a few mornings after that, and my latest acquisition instantly laid hold of her by the hair of her head and beat her with a fryin'-pan till Number Thirteen had to take to her feet and stay that way for a week. "'You will talk to my ol' man like that, will you? says Bridget. 'Well, mind you this, now!

As soon as the door closed, Mehitabel turned upon him at once. "Do you know him?" she demanded. "Know whom?" "This sprig that's come from Boston to see Miss Bee?" Maurice looked at her with a sharp sense that he ought not to allow her to go on, yet with a desire to know more so burning that he could not refrain.

Staggchase, mention his name. He's very rich, I believe, and a good deal of a leader in society." "Humph," sniffed Mehitabel. "He may be a leader in society, but he's as selfish as a sucking calf!" "You seem to know him pretty well," commented Maurice. "I suppose you've seen him often." "Never saw him in my life till this minute. Young man, I'll tell you this, though.

Mehitabel had her own ideas about the law and order that should be maintained, and Stevie's indignant protests were quite wasted on her.

Now, see here, Mehitabel, it's time you and Hezekiah went to bed. It's nearly nine o'clock." "But, Cousin Jack, I just want to ask you something." "Not to-night, my Angel Child. Whatever you ask me to-night, I shall say no to! Besides, I'm reading my paper, and I can't be disturbed." "But, Cousin Jack " "The Interstate Commerce Commission has to-day handed down a decision in favor of "

"Bless your sweet hearts!" she cried, kissing them both. "You look like Spring Beauties! Come on downstairs with me." She put an arm around each of the girls, and they all went down the broad staircase. In the hall below they met Cousin Jack, who looked at them with an expression of disappointment on his face. "Well!" he said. "Well, Susan and Mehitabel, I'm surprised at you!"

After she had arranged the bows to her satisfaction, Cousin Jack obligingly woke up, though, as a matter of fact, he hadn't been to sleep! "Why, if here isn't Mehitabel!" he exclaimed; "and Hezekiah, too! What a surprise!" "How do you like your decorations?" asked Marjorie, surveying him with admiration. "Oh, are these ribbons real? I thought I was dreaming, and had a Fourth of July nightmare."