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I have confessed to you that my memory is short, but the thought certainly lingered in my mind that, at the time of the Marquis' death, I entreated you for an explanation of those same noisome popular rumours. If that same memory does not, even now, play me a trick, I fancy that you refused me ALL explanation then, and demanded of my love a humiliating allegiance it was not prepared to give."

Go not to others for advice but take counsel of the passing breezes, which relate the history of the world to those who can listen." Again he says, in a way that shows what delight he feels in beauty that is spontaneous and natural: "I lingered late one autumn evening in the country, irresistibly fascinated by the magic of old world forests.

But let us not precipitate this thing. The more haste, we do not so much accelerate ourselves." He appeared to be suiting the action to the word as he lingered in the doorway of the stable. "Come on," I said. "Pardon," he returned, with a bow that was both elaborate and evasive, "but you shall yourself precede me the stable is YOURS." "Oh, come along!" I continued impatiently.

The moonlight was flooding all its valley, and the last of the day still lingered in the sky. If these men came to the place where we stood, they could see us before we had time to get to any cover. As we came hither we had gone easily, under the shelter of the gray rain, because no man was at this place to spy us. It was different now.

Suzanne excused herself. Oliver's eyes lingered on her as she went out the door. "As I was saying, plenty to do." "Right," Oliver said. "I'm in charge of billing. That's what we use the computer for, mostly. Let me show you the computer room." He took Oliver into an air-conditioned room where four women were working at terminals.

Vincy, recovering himself in his disgust at the notion that Fred's keep would be missed at his table. "Of course your mother will want you to stay. But I shall keep no horse for you, you understand; and you will pay your own tailor. You will do with a suit or two less, I fancy, when you have to pay for 'em." Fred lingered; there was still something to be said. At last it came.

He lingered for a moment behind the protection of that angle of rock wall, struck a safety match, and held the tiny flame down close against the face of his pocket compass. Exactly; this new advance extended southeast by east.

Now that the chief luminaries of the procession had passed, the rich and lofty departed with a great show of indifference to the rest of the parade. But the humbler folk, all unlearned in the art of assumption, had not reached that nice point of culture, and lingered to see the last foot-soldier pass.

The queen hoped earnestly that the enterprise would not be abandoned, and sat up till after midnight preparing her cases of valuables, and anxiously watching for the coming of their deliverers. But the hours lingered away, and the morning dawned, and the palace was still their prison. The queen, shortly after, remarking upon this indecision of the king, said, "We must seek safety in flight.

"A little wind to-night," he said, his nose wrinkling unconsciously as the cover was lifted from the dish of hot anchovy toast. "Yes, sir," said the steward, but lingered, apparently anxious to speak further. "Well, Shepherd?" "Beg pardon, sir, but the Chief Steward wanted me to say they've found someone stowed away in the linen locker, sir. Queer kind of fellow, sir, talks a bit like a padre.