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He had a most attractively candid smile, but he was so long and lanky that he seemed to pervade the room like an omnipresence. 'Sit down and have a bit of cheese, Oliver, said Mrs Brindley, as she herself sat down. 'No, thanks, Mrs Bob. I must be getting towards home. He leaned on her chair. 'Trifle, then? 'No, thanks. 'Machine going all right? 'Like oil. Never stopped th' engine once.

To the vivid imagination, it is easy to see a witch's broom swaying in the wind; a group of curious and distorted stems will suggest a row of large but painfully thin brownies, holding hands as they dance. Every moment, two or three figures of gaunt and lanky witches in spreading skirts will alarm you as they suddenly appear round a corner.

Remember that, Matthew, my son." The following day Cappy had a call from Sam Daniels. "Hello, Sam," Cappy greeted his lanky ranch manager. "What brings you up to town? Not that I'm not glad to see you, for I was on the point of writing you on some matters that had occurred to me." "I've come up to resign my job," Daniels declared humbly. "Resign the best job you've ever had, Sam!"

"He was painted by Sir William Ross, and I sell him for two hundred pounds, my Captain. Not a penny less, or I'm a ruined man!" "The Jew a ruined man! Hark at him! Four-Eyes" this to a great lanky fellow who lay asleep in the corner "the little Jew can't sell 'em under two hundred, I reckon; oh, certainly not; why, of course.

She was only seventeen five years younger than Avery and was rather lanky and weedy, with a rope of straight dark-brown hair, long, narrow, shining brown eyes and very black lashes, and a crooked, clever little mouth.

He missed the cropped head and inquisitive glances of Jackson Tribbs on the third bench, the red hair and brown eyes of Providence Smith in the corner, and there was a blank space in the first bench where Julian Fleming, a lanky giant of seventeen, had sat.

We shall have to palm Julian here off as the right man; he will play the part with much more dignity and grace." Kate looked from one to the other laughing. "What do you expect me to say to that? Lieutenant Dautray looks every inch a soldier; but I think, Cousin James, that you have the air of the man born to command." "In spite of my cropped red head and lanky limbs?

The arms, body, paws, head, skull, claws, teeth, &c., of the female, are smaller. The tail of tigress longer; hind legs more lanky; the prints look smaller and more contracted, and the toes nearer together. It is said that though a large tiger may venture to attack a buffalo, the tigress refrains from doing so, but I have found this otherwise in my experience.

They were in striking contrast in face and figure the governor long, lanky, ascetic in appearance, very intellectual save for the riotous mouth, and very spick and span as though he had just stepped out of Almack's; while Calhoun was tough and virile, and with the air of a thorough outdoor man.

"This young scapegrace was long and lanky, with yellow hair, so light that it resembled the fluff of a plucked chicken, so thin that he seemed bald. Besides this, he had enormous feet and the hands of a giant. "He was cross-eyed, and never looked at anyone. He struck me as being in the same relation to the human race as ill-smelling beasts are to the animal race. He reminded me of a polecat.