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"We'll have a jamboree that'll make all the good Indians wish they were alive now, instead of four hundred thousand years ago! We'll have a wigwam and a wampum and a tomahawk and all the ancient improvements! Hooray for Pocahontas!" "Gracious, Jack! you're the biggest child of the lot!" exclaimed Mrs. Maynard, who sat on the veranda, watching the enthusiasm going on. "Of course, I am, ma'am!

Fair, when we South'enehs speak of a jamboree, a jamboree is any getherin' wherein the objec' o' the getherin' is the puppose fo' which they come togetheh, an' the joy and the jumble ah equal if not superiah to each otheh." Virginia brought up a grunt from very far down, which might have been either admiration or amusement.

When Fair came up to Barbara, she was almost as glad to see him as John supposed, and brought her every wit and grace to bear for his retention, with a promptness that satisfied even her father, viewing them from a distance. "Miss Garnet, I heard a man, just now, call this very pleasant affair a jamboree. What constitutes a jamboree?" "Why, Mr.

Draper would get on to that red ink stain quicker than a wink. You couldn't fool that gentleman on ink for blood. Just cast your eagle eye over it." He held the blouse up for inspection. "Why, it looks more like cranberry sauce on a jamboree than human gore. I will stow this away in the closet, and now bear in mind it has gone to the wash." "Oh, all right!" "Come in."

Wound up a big revival last night, I believe. Kind o' caved in, I reckon." "That's all. Needs rest. He'll be wearin' a wood jacket if he doosna leave off preachin'." "Regular jamboree. I couldn't stop him. One of these periodical neighborhood 'awakenings, they call it." "They have need of it here, na doot." "Well, they need something love for God or man." "M well! It's lettle I can do.

The men lying on their guns in the ambuscade along the fence heard the dirge rise and grow to its mighty fulness, and they shivered. One of them, posted nearest the advance, had his rifle carefully levelled at Lige Willetts, a fair target in the road. When he heard the singing, he turned to the man next behind him and laughed harshly: "I reckon we'll see a big jamboree in hell to-night, huh?"

A bump supper is an orgy never to be forgotten. A jamboree is a very analogous function.

"Ay, Sevier," he repeated. "With Martin and Tipton and all the Caroliny men right heah, having a council of mility officers in the court-house, in rides Jack with his frontier boys like a whirlwind. He bean't afeard of 'em, and a bench warrant out ag'in him for high treason. Never seed sech a recklessness. Never had sech a jamboree sence I kept the tavern.

"Now you do a lot of cooking after you get back there, Kit, and try to learn your recipes better." Kitty laughed and promised, and then the three children wandered into the dining-room to see what their elders were doing. "Can't we start at once?" Cousin Ethel was saying. "Oh, here are the kiddies now! Come in, you three blessings in disguise! Do you want to go on a jamboree?"

I had met Bicky for the first time at a species of beano or jamboree down in Washington Square, not long after my arrival in New York. I suppose I was a bit homesick at the time, and I rather took to Bicky when I found that he was an Englishman and had, in fact, been up at Oxford with me.