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Sez I, "the poetry I wuz a thinkin' on, is measured by the soul, the enraptured throb of heart and brain; it don't need takin' a stick to it. Howsumever," sez I, for I see she looked sort a disapinted, "howsumever, if you have measured 'em, they are probable about the same length: it is a good sound stick, I haint no doubt;" and I kinder sithed. And she sez, "What do you think of the first verse?

Indeed, Terry Clark did indulge in a slight laugh, for he saw that it was safe to do so; the Winnebago was on the ground before his master. "If ye want me to ring the old coow-bell, I'll be glad to obleege, for the performance looks as if a little moosic would give tone to the same. Howsumever, I'll step back and let this good looking young gintleman run the show."

I see she wuz awful huffy. But howsumever there are lots of people here who believe in the Christian religion. We passed such cunning little farms; two acres is called a good farm, and everything seemed to be growin' on it in little squares, kep' neat and clean, little squares of rice and wheat and vegetables.

"I am glad to have it at any time." "Howsumever, what I say is as much for the leftenant as for you, which the same is that both of you should give up this bus'ness." "But," said Nellie, "you have just told us that father is so angry with Lieutenant Russell that he will shoot him the moment they meet."

There and every where men would fain shelter wimmen from every care, and every labor, even the lightest and slightest. Then lastly came the howsumever. He proceeded to show how this could be done. Keep her from settin' on the Conference, and all other tottlin' eminences, fitted only for man's stalwart strength.

Howsumever, we can wait awhile, being as our venizon isn't all gone, and we'll look down stream, for there's where our main chance must be." The Irishman, somehow or other, had formed the idea that the outlet of the water would show them a way of getting out of the cavern.

"It's no for that," he replied, "for I fear nae man what for suld I? I speak nae treason Only thae Hielandmen hae lang grips, and I whiles gang a wee bit up the glens to see some auld kinsfolks, and I wadna willingly be in bad blude wi' ony o' their clans. Howsumever, to proceed ye maun understand I found my remarks on figures, whilk as Mr.

"May I touch her?" timidly asked Ike Hoe, extending his finger which faintly brushed the rosy cheek, and was instantly snatched away as if he felt he had done a sacrilegious thing. "I say," ventured Ruggles gathering courage, "I wonder now if she would let me take her in my arms for a minute or so; I won't drop her; but that's too much to ask, howsumever."

Sez I, "It seems as if, after what Columbus done for the country, he ort to be kep hull, and not be broke into, and split apart. But howsumever," sez I, "I sha'n't make any move to stop it." And Josiah sez "he guessed it wouldn't make much difference whether I made a move or not. He guessed Chicago could take care of its own business, and would do it."

We hearn afterwards that Deacon Sypher and Deacon Henzy wanted to go into the North Woods a-fishin' and a-huntin' for 2 or 3 days, and it has always been spozed by me that that accounted for their religeus advice to Josiah Allen. Howsumever, I don't know that.