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Dust should be fought and avoided in every possible way. City streets should have good modern pavements, preferably asphalt or some crude petroleum, or sawmill-waste, "crust," or coating, which will not make any dust, and which can be washed down every night with a hose.

I couldn't be at the shore to stop the launch leaving. What right had I to stop another man's launch, even "No, 'twas up to me, and I thought and thought till after supper-time. And then I had a plan a risky chance, but a chance, just the same. I went up to the store and bought four feet of medium-size rubber hose and some rubber tape, same as they sell to bicycle fellers in the summer.

The yard was full of visitors' cars in process of being cleaned, and chauffeurs were busy with hose, or polishing fittings. "I wonder where Johnson has put ours?" said Carmel, threading her way between an enormous Daimler and a pretty little two-seater. "Oh, there it is! That dark-green one in the corner. Come along! There's just room to pass here behind this coupé.

Discipline was coming back. A man in black trousers, with a clout round his neck, stepped out. "You? Well, slip below, and turn steam into the donkey." "Steam no lib, sar. Cranes die when we try to work him just now." "Oh, you holy crowd of savages! Well, if we can't use the hose, you must hand buckets and sharp, too. That fire's gaining. Now then, head-men, step out." "I second head-man, sar."

They were busy women, yet on Saturdays they tried to meet in one of the three sewing-rooms; for even classic Parnassus had its nook where Mrs Amy often sat among her servants, teaching them to make and mend, thereby giving them a respect for economy, since the rich lady did not scorn to darn her hose, and sew on buttons.

I wish you could have seen how they turned the hose against the shingles, ripping and tearing them from their places with the force of the driven water: how they mounted on the roof, axe in hand, and cut madly at the rafters to bring the building down, while the black clouds of smoke rolled in volumes about the men as they worked.

Also in the Baptism in Jordan we are reminded of Masaccio by an excellent group of bathers one man taking off his hose, another putting them on again, a third standing naked with his back turned, and a fourth shivering half-dressed with a look of curious sadness on his face. The nude has been carefully studied and well realised.

The man looked at him and smiled, soothed into something resembling good-nature by the odd humour and appearance of his old companion, who was tricked out, with much precision, in a blue doublet and yellow hose, while a large bow of sad-coloured riband, with fringed ends, dangled from either knee. He then glanced a look of complacency on his own proper person, and replied,

The other boys, to the number of a score or more, were made ordinary firemen, to help haul the engine, pass the buckets or work the handles. There was some dispute as to who would be in charge of the hose, at the nozzle ends, during a fire, and, to get around this, as it was considered a post of honor, Bert decided the boys could take turns.

"Look'ee, Blunt," called the bachelor; "here is Falworth says they squires will fetch no more water for us." The head bachelor had heard all that had passed, and was even then hastily slipping on his doublet and hose. "Now, then, Falworth," said he at last, striding forward, "what is to do? Ye will fetch no more water, eh? By 'r Lady, I will know the reason why."