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The girl laughed. "I wish," she said, "you could have heard what Mr. Harum said this morning about your singing, particularly his description of The Lost Chord, and I wish that I could repeat it just as he gave it."

"What'd he say about leavin'?" John laughed and related the conversation as exactly as he could. "What'd I tell ye," said Mr. Harum, with a short laugh. "Mebbe he won't go till to-morro', after all," he remarked. "He'll want to put in a leetle more time tellin' how he was sent for in a hurry by that big concern f'm out of town 't he's goin' to."

Bixbee apologetically as she let him in, "an' so I come to the door myself." "Thank you very much," said John. "Mr. Harum told me to come over a little before one, but perhaps I ought to have waited a few minutes longer."

"If any harum had come to the gossoon, we'd have knowed it. It's the bad news that travels fast." Mr. Bilkins was not so positive about that. It had taken a whole year to find out that O'Rourke had not drowned himself. The period of Mr. O'Rourke's enlistment had come to an end. Two months slipped by, and he had neglected to brighten River-mouth with his presence.

He could not be like other boys, for he was a prince, and it was a serious business being a prince! A thousand times, as a lad, he had wished that he could have a few "weeks off" from being what he was and be just a common, ordinary, harum scarum boy, like the "kids" of Petrove, the head stableman.

"'Mornin', Harum; how you feelin'? he says, gettin' up an' shakin' hands; an' as we passed the time o' day, I noticed him noticin' my coat. You see as they dried out, the egg spots got to showin' agin. "'Got somethin' on your coat there, he says. "'Yes, I says, tryin' to scratch it out with my finger nail. "'Have a cigar? he says, handin' one out. "'Never smoke on an empty stomach, I says.

"Make ye putty comf'table?" he asked, turning to eject a mouthful into the fire. "I got along pretty well under the circumstances," said John. Mr. Harum did not press the inquiry. "How'd you leave the gen'ral?" he inquired. "He seemed to be well," replied John, "and he wished to be kindly remembered to you." "Fine man, the gen'ral," declared David, well pleased. "Fine man all 'round.

My mamma wouldn't let me go to the table with such hair as this. Prudy'd say 'twas 'harum scarum. But I can't brush it with a tooth-comb, 'thout any glass so there!" Dotty's curly hair looked quite as respectable as Mandoline's. Mrs. Rosenberg was far too busy to attend to her children's heads. They might be rough on the outside, and full of mischief inside; but she could not stop to inquire.

"Now, Mary," he added, "remember Tom was always harum scarum, and you must make allowances for this daughter of his. Her very name is ah disconcerting. I haven't seen him for years, and as for her...." A shrug epitomised his apprehension. He smiled with an effort at wit. "Just the same, they're as much your family as mine. If he is my brother, he is your uncle.

He had only been sent to the Keszmár Lyceum to pick up as much knowledge as might be necessary for a citizen of Kassa who hoped one day to be elected sheriff of his native town; he only required to learn as much Latin as his late father of blessed memory, who likewise had held that dignity, and part of whose office it had been to pronounce over delinquents the capite plectetur, or the more merciful harum palczarum, and correspond with pen as well as with cannon with the Imperialist generals, though it certainly must be admitted that he could give a better account of himself with the cannon than with the pen.