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I considered besides that by the unguarded pertness of my words and the quickness of my blow I had put myself quite out of court; and that even if I ran, my adversary would probably pursue and catch me, which would add disgrace to my misfortune. So that, taking all in all, I continued marching behind him, much as a man follows the hangman, and certainly with no more hope.

Purge thy City of its uncleanness and idolatry, and thy Court of its corruption. Profane not the Sabbath" "A book devised by the devil," cried Hugh Calveley, catching at the suggestion; "and which ought to be publicly burnt by the hangman, instead of being read in the churches. How much, mischief hath that book done! How many abominations hath it occasioned!

For suppose you lay in wait for your enemy and beat or otherwise maltreated him: the chances were that he would either punish you himself or invoke the law to do it for him; while if you removed him by means of the garrot, the knife or the poisoned glass, no matter how discreetly the deed was done the hangman was pretty sure to get you sooner or later. But the gang it was as safe as an epidemic!

So they set up a gallows, under which they made the broker stand, and the hangman put the rope round his neck and was about to hoist him up, when behold, the controller of the Sultan's kitchen, passing by, saw the broker about to be hanged, and pressing through the crowd, cried out to the executioner, saying, 'Stop! Stop!

I will swear that I saw with my own eyes the wife of Henry, the hangman, perish in the flames. I don't care very much whether I am a cell higher or lower in hell. I know the commandment says: 'Thou must not bear false witness against thy neighbor. But there is nothing said about bearing false witness to befriend thy neighbor." "No, my good Simplex! we don't do that.

"They are going to oppose the mob on foot, with their carbines," said the hangman; "there will be sad work here I am afraid." "Well, at all events," said Mr. Chillingworth, "I shall decline acting the part of a spy here any longer; so here goes." "Hilloa! a friend, a friend here, in the summer-house!" "Make it two friends," cried the hangman, "if you please, while you are about it."

"But your violin!" Betty interrupted in a voice that amazed her, it seemed so little and weak. "Surely you were under contract." The man turned on her what was almost a pitying look from his sunken eyes. "I could not play," he said, with a shrug of his shoulders. "To have gone to my manager would have been like going to the hangman the electric chair, what you have in this country.

Craik calls him "a man of utterly worthless character," and refers to his being "mixed up in some discreditable episodes as a political spy." He studied medicine and became a fellow of Wadham College, Oxford. His "Second Thoughts concerning Human Souls," published in 1702, occasioned fierce disputes, on account of its materialism. The House of Commons ordered the work to be burnt by the hangman.

"Can't see why we take such trouble to keep death away," was the woman's answer. "Are you in love with the hangman?" The girl laughed, caught up the bottle, making the shadows dance like a delirium, then I slipped back into darkness again. All kinds of things came into my mind after that, disordered dreams, and then I heard my name. "Wigan! Wigan!"

His book was burnt by the common hangman in Paris. Carlyle's French Revolution, ed. 1857, i. 45. Hawkins gives the two following notes: 'As Mr. Ryland was talking with me of old friends and past times, we warmed ourselves into a wish, that all who remained of the club should meet and dine at the house which once was Horseman's, in Ivy-lane.