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Olive did so, and conscious that another gentleman was standing outside the circle of light, and doubtless regarding her as she crossed the room to "shake a paw," she advanced, and tried not to think whether she was doing so gracefully or not. "That's the way," exclaimed Mr. Congreve, drawing her into the brightest light.

I say nothing about the female characters not one word; only that Lydia seems to me like a pretty little actress, prettily dressed gracefully appearing and disappearing, and reappearing in a genteel comedy, assuming the proper sentiments of her part with all due tact and naivete, and that is all.

Then Gringoire saw come up to her, a pretty little white goat, alert, wide-awake, glossy, with gilded horns, gilded hoofs, and gilded collar, which he had not hitherto perceived, and which had remained lying curled up on one corner of the carpet watching his mistress dance. "Djali!" said the dancer, "it is your turn." And, seating herself, she gracefully presented her tambourine to the goat.

As it was, he persuaded Louis that the only course was to accept the popular demand for his removal to Paris; he harangued the mob; he induced the King and Queen to show themselves at a window; he gracefully kissed the Queen's hand; and he eventually prevailed. At noon Paris began to flow back from Versailles to the capital once more, but now Louis and his family were in the midst of the throng.

Yonder are the Martium and the Palladium. Next to the Palladium is the elegant Viatorium, which Barry gracefully stole from Rome. By its side is the massive Reformatorium: and the the Ultratorium rears its granite columns beyond.

And Laura, the cool blonde, disposed the folds of her white gown more gracefully about her, and touched up the eyebrow of the Minerva she was drawing. "Little daughter!" "Yes, father." "Let me have plenty of clean collars in my bag, for I must go at three; and some of you bring me a glass of cider in about an hour; I shall be in the lower garden."

"I know it," interrupted Mr. Fulton. "Our two friends are working every scheme they know. Blocking our blacksmithing was one of their easiest weapons. I'm only surprised they didn't do it before." "What can we do?" "Submit gracefully. But I just can't face those two doubters. First they were so enthusiastic and then so suspicious, that I can't be satisfied unless I convince them.

She threw herself gracefully into the chair I handed to her, and began by uncoiling a string of phrases, to the effect that her visit was merely to consult me on "unavoidable pecuniary difficulties." According to my mode, I allowed her to talk; putting in only an occasional word of question that seemed rather a random observation than a significant query.

"Why, only that you carve and serve the pie to the company yourself, mon general," archly replied the countess. "A challenge to your chivalry, general, which no true knight can refuse to accept," cried Frazier and others. "I yield me, and accede to the condition," said Burgoyne, gracefully waving his jewelled hand, and joining in the general laugh.

You do it so gracefully. This is my man," he explained to some children who were blackberrying. "He is just carrying my bag over the cliffs for me. No, he is not very strong." "You wait," I growled. John laughed. "Fifty minutes more," he said. And then after a little silence, "I think the bag-carrying profession is overrated. What made you take it up, my lad? The drink? Ah, just so.