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She was both indignant and delighted, sympathizing with Adrienne and glorying in the priest's vigorous pugilistic achievement. "Well," she remarked, with one of her infectious trills of laughter, "so far the French have the best of it, anyway!

I was a pet of his, and used often to drive him to his office in the morning, glorying much in the fact that my skill was trusted in guiding a horse through the crowded Manchester streets. During these drives, and on all other available occasions, Mr. Roberts would preach to me the cause of the people.

There were happy women in the world, glorying in maternity, watching eagerly for the home-coming of their mates, blessed with the love of a good man and happy to return it in full measure. It seemed too good to be true. She stared with moistened eyes. If this was really so the man had doubtless already received answers and chosen.

Grimshaw agreed to this, and as they hurried along they both thought of their partner as floating down the river on the raft in company with their enemies and glorying over their discomfiture. "We'll get even with him, though," growled Plater. "Yes, we will," snarled Grimshaw. And then they met the object of their anger hurrying away from the levee which they were approaching.

His face beamed like that of some young student who was glorying in his first duel. But he could not understand the effect his narration had caused. Topándy's face became suddenly more determined, more serious; he gazed often at Lorand. Once Desiderius too looked up at his brother, who was wiping his tear-stained eyes with his handkerchief. "You are weeping?" inquired Desiderius.

To those monks that pump was a good deal of a miracle itself, and they were full of wonder over it; and of admiration, too, of the exceeding effectiveness of its performance. It was a great night, an immense night. There was reputation in it. I could hardly get to sleep for glorying over it. My influence in the Valley of Holiness was something prodigious now.

He was, I am certain, thoroughly enjoying himself, unconsciously of course, but with that immense thrilled enjoyment all leading figures at leading moments must have: Sir Galahad, humbly glorying in his perfect achievement of negations; Parsifal, engulfed in an ecstasy of humble gloating over his own worthiness as he holds up the Grail high above bowed, adoring heads; Beerbohm Tree I can't get away from theatrical analogies coming before the curtain on his most successful first night, meek with happiness.

He was playing as a cat plays with a mouse; he was glorying in his power. The silence was that of death. It signified the silence of death. The war-club descended with violence. "Feed the Christians to ther buzzards!" "I have been here before," said Joe to Whispering Winds. "I remember that vine-covered stone. We crawled over it to get at Girty and Silvertip.

Colonel Smith joins Major Pitcairn, and, glorying over the easy victory, they swing their hats, hurrah for King George, and march on towards Concord. Roger Stanley, asleep in the old farmhouse on the banks of Concord River, was aroused from slumber by his mother. "Roger! Roger! the meetinghouse bell is ringing!" she shouted up the stairs to him.

"I nominate Lily Andrews!" announced Marjorie, to the surprise of everyone. "I nominate Evelyn Hopkins!" declared Ruth, glorying in the fact that her loyalty to her room-mate would be silently applauded. "And I move that the nominations be closed!" chimed in Barbara, again.