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Suddenly he heard his name called in the familiar alto, and there was Lucia in her Shakespeare's garden. "Georgino! Georgino mio!" she cried. "Gino!" Out of mere habit Georgie got down from his stile, and tripped up the road towards her. The manly seething of his soul's insurrection rebuked him, but unfortunately his legs and his voice surrendered. Habit was strong.... "Amica!" he answered.

"Me put it in smoking-room, and poor caro will look for it ever so long. Back in minute, Georgino." Naturally this was perfectly clear to Georgie. She wanted to have a short private consultation with Peppino, and he waited rather hopefully for their return, for Peppino, he felt sure, was bored with this Achilles-attitude of sitting sulking in the tent.

"Ursa, a bear, you know. And then, while we were sitting there, the Princess went off into a trance. She said there was a beautiful spirit present, who blessed us all. She called Mrs Quantock Margarita, which, as you may know, is the Italian for Daisy." Lucia smiled. "Thank you for explaining, Georgino," she said.

They might read a Canto first, and then hold a seance of which Amadeo via Princess Popoffski would take charge. While this was simmering in her mind, it was important to drop all irony and be extremely sympathetic. "Georgino! How wonderful!" she said. "As you know, I am sceptical by nature, and want all evidence carefully sifted. I daresay I am too critical, and that is a fault.

"Georgino, you are a boy," she said artfully, "and 'tuck in' as you so vulgarly call it without thinking, I'm saying nothing against the supper, but I'm sure that Peppino and Colonel Boucher would have felt better this morning if they had been wiser last night. But that's not the real point.

Give Georgino a cigarette, Peppino! I am sure he deserves one, after all those accidentals." She pulled up the blind again in order to read her note and as she read her face clouded. "Ah! I am sorry for that," she said. "Peppino, the Princess does not go out in the evening; they always have a seance there. I daresay Daisy means to ask us some evening soon. We will keep an evening or two open.

"Georgino mio!" she said. "It is all being so wonderful. There seems a new atmosphere about the house since my Guru came. Something holy and peaceful; do you not notice it?" "Delicious!" said Georgie, inhaling the pot-pourri. "What is he doing now?" "Meditating, and preparing for our class. I do hope dear Daisy will not bring in discordant elements."

"Georgino, did all my questions as to who it was really take you in?" she asked. "Just as if I hadn't known all along! Why, Miss Olga Bracely, of course!" Georgie's fallen face shewed her how completely she had spoiled his pleasure. "Who told you?" he asked. She rattled her tassels. "Little bird!" she said. "I must run away to my class, or they will scold me."

Georgie, having escaped being caught over Italian, had made up his mind not to talk any more ever. "Oh, they are some little things by Debussy," he said. "I want to play one of them to you afterwards. I've just been glancing through it." "Bene, molto bene!" said she. "Come in to lunch. But I can't promise to like it, Georgino.

Even as she passed through the hall on her way 'there, Georgie came hurrying across Shakespeare's garden, his figure distorted through the wavy glass of the windows, and she opened the door to him herself. "Georgino mio," she said, "oo not angry with Lucia for saying she was busy last night? And now I'm just going to take my Yoga-class.