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"Now I know why he always makes me feel so uncomfortable and afraid and and gawky. 'T is because he is a lord. Sometimes he does look at me as if as if he were hungry ugh! It frights me. But he must know what 's the mode. 'Lady Janice Clowes. 'T is a pity the title is not prettier. Whatever will Tibbie say when she hears!"

He liked to puzzle teachers with hard questions. He thought he would try Horace with these. But the gawky boy answered them all. This tow-headed boy seemed to know everything. Mr. Bliss took a piece of paper from his pocket. He wrote on it, "Guess we'd better try him." He gave this paper to Horace, and told him to take it to the printing office.

Chatterton, who has been leading her three gawky graces about from one watering-place to another these six years, fishing, and hunting, and hawking for husbands. 'There now! I have carried my girls to Bath, and to London, and to Tunbridge, and to Weymouth, and to Cheltenham, and every where; I am sure I can do no more for them. I assure you," continued Mr. Percy, "I have heard Mrs.

But this particular man undoubtedly did wake the strong dark feelings that sleep in the heart; his eyes were very singular and powerful; his voice from a whisper ran gathering, like snow-balls, and crashed, as I have heard the pack-ice in commotion far yonder in the North; while his gestures were as uncouth and gawky as some wild man's of the primitive ages. Well, this man what was his name?

Therefore, be went about his business with a sort of sword of Damocles hanging over his head and now the heiress had come, and he had saved her life! His musings were cut short by a tap at the door; a long, gawky youth, with a budding moustache, entered and slouched over to a chair.

Poorly clad, tall, gawky, and green-looking, he entered the city where he had neither friend nor acquaintance. For weeks he tramped the streets, looking vainly for work, his cash gradually growing less, but his spirits never failing. At length he found employment at his trade, where his integrity and unceasing industry soon made him conspicuous.

Every human being moves about according to his or her proportions. Women who are too tall take long strides, those who stoop walk like the Eastern women; stout women walk like ducks, short-legged ones trot; very small women skip along, and the gawky ones walk like cranes. Nothing can be changed, and the deportment class has very wisely been abolished.

When I had a better look at this one he appeared to be really very young, and perhaps just a little gawky, and he wore the most appreciably store-clothes, and the funniest little black string of a neck-tie. Isn't it queer that silly things should enter one's head at such times?

Then he held one, tightly closed, chubby hand first to Bill and then to John. The leaders compared their prizes. Silvey gave an exultant yell and beckoned to a gawky, loosely jointed lad who stood a little apart from the rest of the gang. "Come on, Skinny! You're on my side." Skinny's long arms made him a welcome addition to any force and a warrior to be feared at all times.

I would rather be buried alive in the country, than join in London society under her care; with her long speeches of prudery and virtue, and the modest reserve of young ladies, and a hundred other such saint-like terms, when all the time she is doing all she can to catch husbands for her three great gawky daughters, who in mamma's presence are all simplicity and simper sweet girls just introduced; when I am very much mistaken if the youngest is not nearer thirty than twenty.