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The sea was quite black and thick, and it was breaking high on the beach; the foam was flying about, and the wind was blowing; everything looked bleak. The fisherman was chilled with fear. He stood and said: 'Once a prince, but changed you be Into a flounder in the sea. Come! for my wife, Ilsebel, Wishes what I dare not tell. 'What does she want now? asked flounder.

"Yes," murmured the old man in a muffled voice, "but He did not leave behind a sister dishonoured by His death." These words, which escaped the old fisherman in spite of himself, threw a sudden and terrible light into the soul of Gabriel.

"Nothing to boast of," was the guarded reply. Merefleet had expected it. Right well he knew these fisher-folk. "You get a few visitors now, I see," Merefleet observed. The fisherman nodded. "Don't know what they come for," he observed. "Bathing ain't good, and them pleasure-boats well" he lifted his shoulders expressively "half-a-capful of wind would upset 'em.

Mysteriously committed to the care of a poor blind Highland piper, a stranger from inland regions, settled amongst a fishing people, he had, as he grew up, naturally fallen into their ways of life and labour, and but lately abandoned the calling of a fisherman to take charge of the marquis's yacht, whence, by degrees, he had, in his helpfulness, grown indispensable to him and his daughter, and had come to live in the house of Lossie as a privileged servant.

"A Canadian fisherman, happening along in his boat just when she was giving up the struggle for life rescued her. He took her to his humble cot and to his aged mother, and under that roof she lay, racked with brain-fever, for many weeks. "With the return of consciousness, she realized all that had transpired.

One glance at the marble-white face, and he uttered a little cry: "Great Heaven! if it isn't Jessie Bain!" Laying his dripping burden on the bank, the man lost no time in dragging Margaret Moore back from her perilous position; then the stranger, who was a fisherman, summoned assistance, and the two young girls were quickly carried back to the cottage, and a neighbor called in.

It was a valley surrounded on all sides by rocks so steep and so difficult of access, that, except by God's special grace, no mortal man imprisoned there could possibly escape. The ground was strewn with diamonds of the finest quality. The king and fisherman found it easy to make a large collection, picking and choosing, gathering and arranging them upon the carpet.

No sooner had the fisherman commenced to tighten the crown line, when the rapid and powerful jerks showed that he had something good within his net. "Now, Howarti, look sharp! the bottom is clean sand: haul away, and don't give them time to burrow beneath the leads." Howarti hauled away, and as the net came near the shore, there was such a splashing and jumping as he had rarely seen.

The launch rocked lazily. Through a rift in the fog he saw a rocky beach only a stone's throw away. They were anchored close by the shore. "Hell-Hole," announced Lang in a whisper. Gregory picked up his rifle. For a moment the big fisherman by his side hesitated. Then he said: "Why not stay on the Gull, Mr. Gregory? Let Joe go ashore with me." "No." The answer was decisive.

Turnbull by the collar. "Keep still," he cried, sharply, as the farmer tried to clutch him; "keep still or I'll let you go." "Help!" choked the farmer, gazing up at the little knot of people which had collected on the quay. A stout fisherman who had not run for thirty years came along the edge of the quay at a shambling trot, with a coil of rope over his arm.