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The smoke contains creosote in the form of vapor, and the same effect is produced on the meat or fish by the smoke as if they had been dipped in a solution of tar with this difference, that they are dried by the smoke, whereas moisture favors decomposition very greatly. I can show why a fire from which there is much smoke is better than one which burns with a clear flame, by a simple experiment.

"Know that Fortune is light and inconstant; A deceiver who delights in cruel reverses; She is seen to abuse the wise man, the vulgar Insolently playing with all this weak universe. To-day it is on my head That she lets her favors fall, By to-morrow she will be prepared To carry them elsewhere."

But Gotzkowsky himself was to have occasion to remind unthankful Leipsic of her professions of gratitude not to call on her to perform reciprocal favors, but to protect himself against calumny and unfriendly suspicions.

Our capital was growing apace, but we often lacked working cash After I paid the debt I owed Meyer Nodelman I obtained other favors from him. He took a sponsorial interest in my business and often offered me the benefit of his commercial experience in the form of maxims "Don't bite off more than you can chew, Levinsky," he would tell me. "Finding it easy to get people to trust you is not enough.

"Fortune favors us," was her reply, as she went back to her daughter, whose long, death-like swoon almost wrung from her the secret. But Anna revived, and with the first indication of returning consciousness, the cold, hard woman stifled all her better feelings, and then tried to think she was acting only for the good of her child.

A book of scandalous and defamatory stories, especially where the writer has had the baseness to betray the confidence reposed in his honor by women, and to boast of favors alleged to have been granted him, it is always fair to consider as ipso facto a tissue of falsehoods: and on the following argument, that these are exposures which, even if true, none but the basest of men would have made.

Thus he became aware how vastly different are courtship and other relations between young men and young women in America and in Germany. He asked himself. "Are the German ways more civilized?" Certainly, to the Teuton, they represent a more creditable and becoming evolution. He always stoutly favors his own customs, and finds little here to discuss.

You know what sacrifices I have offered, what gifts I have brought. I have prayed, I have abased myself before them, but none will hear. One or another of the gods, indeed, appears to me not infrequently as Apollo did last night. But is it because he favors me?

Amedee was at first overwhelmed with surprise; but with all these unhoped-for favors of fortune, which did not give him the power to repair his misfortune, the noble poet deeply realized that riches and glory were not equal to a great love or a beautiful dream, and, completely upset by the irony of his fate, he broke into a harsh burst of laughter.

"Mary related what had transpired in a modest way, saying in conclusion that nothing but the feeling aroused in her breast by the outrage that was about to be perpetrated upon that poor, innocent boy could have induced her to have undertaken such an expedition. She said she could do anything except to ask favors.