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"I wouldn't like to be them burglars, when Eb ketches hold of 'em again," he continued. "No, sir. Why, Eb arrested two fellers last summer for haulin' Levi Sanborn's lobster-pots, he took an' tied 'em back to back an' carried 'em over to Lanesport in his boat, an' turned 'em over to the police. One feller got six months in the House of C'rrection. Gee! You're goin' to Bailey's, aint yer?"

If he could tell Madelene, or perhaps it would be easier to make Ebenezer understand his position. But before he came to a decision, they met Mr. Waldstricker coming out of the First National Bank on Tioga Street. He looked very prosperous, very powerful, as he stood smilingly waiting for them. "We were just coming to see you, Eb," said Madelene, blushing.

"Tell him," she answered simply. "I say, Betts," Colonel Zane cried, "has Helen's cousin cast any more such sheep eyes at you?" "Oh, Eb, what nonsense!" exclaimed Betty, blushing furiously. "Well, if he didn't look sweet at you I'm an old fool." "You're one anyway, and you're horrid," said Betty, tears of anger glistening in her eyes. Colonel Zane whistled softly as he walked down the lane.

Oh, I wish I could tell you all, but I can't. You will trust me, anyway, won't you, and let me stay here for a while?" The captain sighed and looked helplessly around. "Well, I'll be jiggered!" he growled. "This is sartinly some fix an' I don't know what to do. The accommodation isn't much here fer the likes of you, though it ain't too bad fer me an' Eb.

Their happiness was now complete, and the multitude returned with us, shouting for joy, to Rarik's dwelling, where an Eb, or artless opera, was represented; the subject, my crew of the Rurik and myself: each song celebrated one of us individually, and the praises of the whole were chanted in the concluding chorus. I regretted much that I could not understand them better.

I only know the man had brought more milk and fish and fowl for us. We stayed another day in the old house, that went like the last, and the night man came again to see Uncle Eb. The next morning my companion was able to walk more freely, but Fred and I had to stop and wait for him very often going down the big hill.

The minister 'at preaches over 'n our neighbourhood says if God hed wanted men t' fly he'd g'in 'em wings. 'S'pose if he'd ever wanted 'm t' skate he'd hed 'em born with skates on? said Uncle Eb. 'Danno, said the man. 'It behooves us all to be careful. The Bible says "Go not after new things."

There was great excitement the next day in the Tobin family when "The Daily Courier" arrived. It had a full account of the thrilling experience of rescuing the "Eb and Flo" at the brink of the falls. Mrs. Tobin read it aloud, while the captain and Flo listened with intense interest. At times the former interrupted with exclamations of surprise.

All Bloomfield is proud of him to the bustin' point, and they ought to be." "By jinks!" grinned Eli; "that tall feller jest introduced one of the dark-eyed gals as his wife. Wush! but she's a beaut! He's homelier than a barn door with the paint washed off, but she's a peach. Wonder how he ever ketched her." "She's Spanish, or French, or something ferrun," asserted Uncle Eb.

I wrote immediately to Uncle Eb and told him of the letters I had sent to Hope, and of my effort to see her. Late in May, after Virginia had seceded, some thirty thousand of us were sent over to the south side of the Potomac, where for weeks we tore the flowery fields, lining the shore with long entrenchments.