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Pedro de Cardena, give clothing to four thousand poor, to each a skirt of escanforte and a mantle. And he bequeathed to Dona Ximena all that he had in the world, that she might live honourably for the remainder of her days in the Monastery of St. Pedro de Cardena; and he commanded Cil Diaz to remain with her and serve her well all the days of her life.

The dust of the road had mingled with the rice powder on her cheeks, strongly accentuating her wrinkles. She was leaning on the arm of her lame husband. "I have the pleasure to present to you our cousin, Don Alfonso Linares de Espadaña," said Doña Victorina, pointing toward the young man. "The gentleman is a god-son of a relative of Father Dámaso, and is private secretary to all the ministers."

Officers in bright uniforms, and amongst these I recognised the elegant person of Dubrosc. Ladies in rich dresses, and amongst these . Her sister, too, was there, and the Dona Joaquiana, and half a dozen other ladies, rustling in silks and blazing with jewels. Several of the gentlemen young officers of the band wore the picturesque costume of the guerilleros. They were forming for the dance.

How should a goatherd that could have been mistress of a king, how should she write to an old queen from very far away; from over the sea?” “I will ask you as I have asked the old queen: why do you tell me all this, Doña Rita?” “To discover what’s in your mind,” she said, a little impatiently. “If you don’t know that yet!” I exclaimed under my breath. “No, not in your mind.

"Not yet," said the lawyer. "Blessed San Antonio, we have come in time!" ejaculated Dona Carmen. "Another day and it would have been too late; it was an inspiration of the Blessed Innocents themselves," said Dona Maria, crossing herself. "Can you longer doubt that this is the wildest madness?" said Father Felipe with flashing eyes.

As he followed her along the terrace, in the direction of the Place Louis XV., he caught sight of the aged Marquis de San-Real, who was walking on the arm of his valet, stepping with all the precautions due to gout and decrepitude. Dona Concha, who distrusted Henri, made Paquita pass between herself and the old man.

Don Pablo, in wild accents, shouted to them to make for the door; but, paralysed by terror, they were for some moments unable to move. At length Doña Isidora, recovering herself, ran for the entrance, pushing the children before her.

"Lucy Passmore!" almost shrieked all three friends. "She that went off with " "Yes! she that sold her own soul, and persuaded that dear saint to sell hers; she that did the devil's work, and has taken the devil's wages; after this fashion!" and she held up her scarred wrists wildly. "Where is Dona de Rose Salterne?" shouted Will and Jack. "Where is my brother Frank?" shouted Amyas.

"Your father has gone back to his duty, my dear you need not be afraid." "Yes, but Eudaldo is outside he hears everything when he is not asleep. What is it, Princess? Why are you here?" "I wish to talk with you a little," replied Doña Ana, whispering now, to please the girl. "Can we not get a light? Why did you put out the lamp? I thought you were in another room." "I was frightened.

But whether because the Abbot was every whit as clever as Don Juan himself, or Dona Elvira possessed more discretion or more virtue than Spanish wives are usually credited with, Don Juan was compelled to spend his declining years beneath his own roof, with no more scandal under it than if he had been an ancient country parson.