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"Why do you say that, Mr. de Gex?" This was disconcerting. Why had I said it? For no particular reason, save to keep up a commonplace conversation in which I took no absorbing interest. It was a direct challenge. Young Dale stopped playing with the Chow dog and grinned. It behooved me to say something.

He perceived her knack of punctual interference to be striking, but it was just this apparent infallibility that he resented. Why didn't she set up at once as a professional clairvoyant and eke out her little income more successfully? In purely private life such a gift was disconcerting; her divinations, her evasions disturbed at any rate his own tranquillity.

Even on this particular morning we have seen with what indulgence he bore the brusqueness of the old bookseller, at whom he gazed for ten minutes without disconcerting him in the least. At length the revolutionist seemed to have finished his epigram, for with a quiet smile he carefully folded the sheet of paper, put it in a wooden box which he locked. Then he turned around.

But not content with the disconcerting effect of that, professor, the box contained and I protest that it's a most unseemly thing to quote any text from the Bible in this way to a clergyman of my position well, here it is. 'Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth Why, I have a dozen sermons of my own in my desk now on that very verse.

I silently agreed, recalling my prayer in the Benares hermitage, followed by the meeting with Sri Yukteswar in a crowded lane. "Are you able to have a little room where you can close the door and be alone?" "Yes." I reflected that this saint descended from the general to the particular with disconcerting speed. "That is your cave."

In truth, it was very hard to tell, for she, with an absolute innocence, took all his advances for far more than they were worth; told him that next to her "uncle and dear Sesostris" he was quite the best friend she had; that she loved him, and was glad to hear him say that he loved her. All this was delightful in the ears of her admirer, but very disconcerting.

The Law will stand, the kingdom will be ruined. The book, the word they will succeed to the royal sceptre. I foresee a whole people of scholars and teachers, degenerate folk and feeble." This amazing view, so disconcerting to the prophet-people, Gordon held to the very end. This was the task Gordon set himself for the rest of his days. The strings of my lyre thrilled with emotion....

"That Millville?" asked Uncle John, eagerly. "Yes, sir." "And which of those houses belongs to the Wegg farm?" "Ye can't see the Wegg house from here; the pines hide it," said the man, urging his horses into a trot as they approached the bridge. "Pretty good farm?" inquired Uncle John, hopefully. "Worst in the county," was the disconcerting reply. "Half rocks an' half trees.

It was the first time that Catia had worn a low-necked frock; but she did not find it disconcerting in the least. It did disconcert Brenton very much, however. Its abbreviated bodice did not fit in with his notions of what was seemly for a rector's wife; moreover, to the end of time, he never could find any great degree of beauty in a woman's shoulder-blades.

The grave closed, the mourners returned to the convent, but not in order. At the door Teresa felt her arm taken possession of by a strong hand with which she had had more than one disconcerting encounter. "Let us walk," said Sister María Sal in her harsh but strong old voice. "I have permission. I must talk of Concha tonight or I should burst.