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He was standing directly in my path. For a second he regarded me, with his head thrown back in fear and wonder; and then, giving another snort, he dashed away into the maze of whirling snow. My eyes troubled me greatly, and the pain at length grew so intense that I was forced to sit down in the snow for perhaps half an hour with both eyes tightly closed.

This text appeared a kind of answer to my prayer, and gave me courage to make one more attempt to soften you in my favor. I resolved to set out directly to find you, to confess my disobedience, and to beg a scanty pittance with which I and my child might be meanly supported in some distant county, where we should not, by our presence, disgrace our more happy relations.

"It is just what I wish, sir," replied his son; "I will be with you directly. Shall I find you in the library?" "Yes. I hope the child was not hurt, Horace?" he added, inquiringly, stepping back again just as he had reached the door. "Pretty badly, I am afraid," said Mr. Dinsmore, gravely; "she is suffering a good deal." Mr.

They have kept up a correspondence with some of the most patriotic individuals in every principal town and city in the kingdom; by which means they have frequently exercised the power which they thus acquire, of stifling those sparks of popular fervour, that would have long since kindled into an irrepressible blaze of patriotism, had it not been for the sinister exertions of this foul extinguisher of every particle of generous public liberty, that did not tend to promote their own base and selfish ends; always acting, as they have done, under the direction and immediate influence of their Grand Lama, or principal juggler, Sir Francis Burdett, in whose pay they have most of them been, directly or indirectly, for many years past.

The instruments needed for taking measurements were to be taken down beforehand by Houston, and concealed in a safe place near the mine, and on the night of the examination, he was to go from the house directly to the mine, where he would be joined by Jack and Van Dorn, the latter dressed in a suit of Mike's mining clothes, and personating him as closely as possible.

"I am on equal terms with them there; though I cannot say that the greatest part of the pleasure I have in my work arises from the gain it is to me. But why do you say it is a thankless work?" Instead of answering directly, Aunt Elsie asked, a moment after: "Are you always well received, you and your books?"

The slight resentment he still felt toward Tim caused him to address himself directly to his sister: "Maggie, do you know who has been writing these articles in the paper for the last few weeks?" She held a king suspended as she was on the point of jumping a couple of Tim's and asked in turn: "What articles?"

He slipped through the opening at once, and beneath his feet there was a soft crunching of coal. He had come directly into the bin. Turning, he closed the window, for that would be a definite clue to any one who might pass down the alley.

"Come home there's a severe storm coming up, and the wind will blow it here directly," urged Marianne. And so Amrei walked, almost staggered, back to the village with Black Marianne. What did it mean that people had seen her running through field and forest? Or was it only Black Marianne's fancy?

"I hope it won't fall altogether," he said, "for as we have no paddles it would be awkward for us." "Two of the bottom boards will do for paddles." "Yes, I know that, Luka, I am steering with one of them; but they would do very little good, for they are so thin that they would break off directly we put any strength on to them."