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Greif dwelt upon the importance of the Korps in the life of the University, upon the part played by the University in the life of the whole land, and did not scruple to trace Germany's victories directly to their origin in the daily life of German students, so different from that in other countries.

They were nearly a furlong distant, but Jacob was quite sure that she pointed to him, and that the man looked in the same direction. Presently she set off across the meadow, directly towards him. When within a few paces of the fence, she stopped, threw back the flaps of her sun-bonnet, and said, "Good day to you!"

A man at the bows was constantly heaving into the sea a rope to the end of which a small object was fastened. Tarzan wondered what the purpose of this action might be. At last the ship came up directly into the wind; the anchor was lowered; down came the sails. There was great scurrying about on deck. A boat was lowered, and in it a great chest was placed.

We had reached one of these glades when we saw directly before us a brown animal jumping along over the ground. "A kangaroo! a kangaroo!" exclaimed Oliver. "It is so like the pictures of one." We, of course, made chase, but the kangaroo for a species of that animal it was soon caught sight of us.

The proposed Stamp Act scarcely shocked Otis or Adams more directly and cruelly than it shocked the soundest and sanest thinkers on the other side of the Atlantic.

"I have not thought them out," Philip said; "but, were I the next in rank to the Admiral, I would enjoin that a third of our number should be under arms, night and day, and should at night patrol our quarters; secondly, that a rallying place should be appointed, say at the Admiral's, to which all should mount and ride, directly an alarm is given."

With all his reputation for enterprise and wealth, there were "shady" tales of gambling transactions and salted mines and watered stocks that attached perhaps more directly to the men with whom he foregathered than to him.

"Because you've put your finger down on the exact spot directly." "I do not understand you." "Why, I mean this. What did I do, squire, when you and I were alone in the cabin when we first brought your brother aboard?" "You gave him a part of a glass of water with some laudanum in it." "To be sure I did, to calm down the pain; and that was what I call laudanum and Mr Briscoe here calls opium."

Though she would have thought that another must have gone directly to destruction if placed where she was crouching though she would have trembled with agony to see anyone perched in such danger she appeared to be firm fixed. She must jump forth boldly, or the river would not take her.

I put him at his ease in a moment, for I felt that I had but to come, see, and conquer. I made known my name, and the name of my poem; produced my precious roll of blotted manuscript, laid it on the table with an emphasis, and told him at once, to save time and come directly to the point, the price was one thousand guineas. I had given him no time to speak, nor did he seem so inclined.