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"And this is the result of this Zion Hill Academy I have been hearing so much about?" "Well, sir, they put in a good year's work, I must say." "You might have done worse, sir. Indeed, you deserve great credit, sir." "I? Not a bit. I simply showed them what to do and how to do it. But there's a woman up there that the world ought to know about. For love of her "

Here and there we passed a log hut: but the wretched cabins were wide apart and thinly scattered, for though the soil is very rich in this place, few people can exist in such a deadly atmosphere. On either side of the track, if it deserve the name, was the thick 'bush; and everywhere was stagnant, slimy, rotten, filthy water.

"The fellows can't have put off already," exclaimed the doctor; "they deserve hanging or shooting if they have." "Perhaps they are hidden by the bank," observed the padre; "come on. I still hear those horrible grunts in the distance; I shall never get the sound out of my ears as long as I live." Presently we saw a hat rising above the bank; it was that of our captain. Another and another appeared.

I know not whether I am not yet more miserable than in that Case, for she keeps Possession of my Heart, without the Return of hers. Do not such Women deserve all the Misinterpretation which they neglect to avoid? Or are they not in the actual Practice of Guilt, who care not whether they are thought guilty or not?

The piety of Albinus and his care for the duties of religion at so terrible a crisis deserve to be recorded. The rest of the priests and the old men who had been consuls, and been honoured with triumphs, could not bear to leave the city.

If ever they were regarded by mankind with favor, the time is forgotten. There is not a nation on earth in which they are popular now. They are everywhere branded as infamous. If Atheists have always been so bad as to deserve this fate, their principles must be bad.

You must understand, gentlemen, that I was sent into the world, not to act, which I abominate, but to chronicle small beer and teach an army of little brats their letters; so this word 'wife, and that word 'chimney-corner, took possession of my mind, and a vision of darning stockings for a large party, all my own, filled my heart, and really I felt quite grateful to the little brute that was to give me all this, and he would have had such a wife as men never do have, still less deserve.

I feed you, wretch, I give you drink, I fill your pockets and your stomach, and you betray me." "Ah! M. Chicot!" "You tell my secrets, wretch." "Dear friend." "Hold your tongue; you are but a sycophant, and deserve punishment."

He had just conscience enough left to feel the whole weight of his abused responsibility, exaggerated and defiled by superstitious horror; and maudlin tipsy, he wandered about the street, moaning that he had murdered his wife, and all the town, and asking pardon of every one he met; till seeing one of the meeting-houses open, he staggered in, in the vain hope of comfort which he knew he did not deserve.

"Thou art a traitor," replied the fisherman, "I should deserve to lose my life, if I were such a fool as to trust thee: thou wilt not fail to treat me in the same manner as a certain Grecian king treated the physician Douban. It is a story I have a mind to tell thee, therefore listen to it." The Story of the Grecian King and the Physician Douban.