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"He is coming home immediately, dear father; perhaps he may be here to-morrow," cried Madeline abruptly; "think of that, Ellinor! Ah! and he writes in spirits!" and the poor girl clapped her hands delightedly, as the colour danced joyously over her cheek and neck. "I am glad to hear it," quoth Lester; "we shall have him at last beat even Ellinor in gaiety!"

The pause, which had seemed such a long hiatus to the little group on the platform, was hardly noticed by the audience. Aunt Abigail glued her eyes to the page and did not look away again till the next intermission. Peggy gave herself a mental shaking and her fellow actors took a long breath, while the audience laughed delightedly, quite unaware of the little by-play.

These four were very fat and one evening the children's father made a remark about this portrait that made their mother laugh delightedly. Benji was in his cot. Huggo had just come from his bath and was having his toes wiped by his mother because he declared Muffet had not dried them properly. He said Muffet groaned when she stooped. His mother said, "You know, Harry, Muffet is getting fat.

This was good news, indeed. Everychild knew how the heart of the giant had yearned for his mother. He smiled delightedly. "Ah, and so you have seen her at last!" he cried. "I have not seen her no," confessed the giant. "They would not allow me to enter they who surround her. I was but one, and they were many; and they are cruel and relentless.

"Don't you believe her, Betty Nelson. It's too early in the morning to see straight anyway." Betty laughed delightedly. "How very complimentary," she said, with a droll twist to the corner of her mouth. "Never mind, Mollie, it's worth a quarter just for seeing crooked!" Mollie hugged her, and even Grace had to laugh.

"It'll serve him right," said Peggy, delightedly. "Ol' Dan called me a meddler onc't in public an' I'm bound t' git even with him." "Don't betray us, sir," pleaded Beth. "I can't," replied McNutt, frankly; "I'm in it myself, an' we'll jest find out what his blame-twisted ol' fifteen-cent mellings is like."

We had lunch with Gwen bannocks and fresh sweet milk and blueberries and after an hour of gay fun we came away. Lady Charlotte kissed her tenderly as she bade Gwen good-by. "You must let me come again and sit at your window," she said, smiling down upon the wan face. "Oh, I shall watch for you. How good that will be!" cried Gwen, delightedly. "How many come to see me! You make five."

Bays held the watch up to the light of the firelight, and Dic, with an aching sensation in the region of his heart, saw its richness at a glance. He knew at once that the giver must be a man of wealth; and when Mrs. Bays delightedly threw the gold chain over Rita's head, and placed the watch in her unresisting hand, he remarked that he must be going. Poor, terrified Rita did not hear Dic's words.

"They haven't started cutting yet," she said delightedly. "All his close-ups will be in. Goody! There's the lad-get him? Ain't he the actin'est thing you ever saw? Now wait-you'll see others." Baird watched the film absorbedly. Three times it was run for the sole purpose of exposing to this small audience Merton Gill's notion of being consumed with ennui among pleasures that had palled.

But they both kept silent, and when he had disappeared round the next traverse, Riley grinned and winked at his companion. "He's hooked, Brockie," he said exultantly. "Now you wait and " He stopped as a rifle-man moved round the corner and took up a position on the firing step near them. "I'll bet," said Riley delightedly, "Clancy has put him there to listen to anything he can catch us saying."