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I verily thought my heart would at this have leapt out of my bosom. "Surely," replied Gideon Kemp, "the wrath of government is no so unquenchable, that a' the misguided folk concernt in the rising are doom't to die. But hae ye heard the names of the prisoners, or where they belong to?"

But luik at Sandy Graham! Ye ken whether he has gumption or no; an' gien he be a stickit minister, he stack by the grace o' moadesty. But, haith, I winna peety him! for, o' a' things, to peety a guid man i' the richt gate is a fule's folly. Troth, I'm a hantle mair concernt about yersel', Ma'colm!" Malcolm heard her without apprehension.

I ha'e seen him whiles sair concernt for ither fowk." "'At they wouldna hand wi' him, and war condemnt in consequence wasna that it?" "I canna answer ye that, bairn." "Weel, I ken he doesna like you no ae wee bit. He's aye girdin at ye to ither fowk!" "May be: the mair's the need I sud lo'e him." "But noo can ye, father?"

'Haud to that, Dauvid, and hand me till't: we kenna what's comin! 'The wull o' God's comin, insisted David. 'But eh, he added, 'I'm concernt for puir Maister Craig! 'Weel, lat's awa hame and see whether the twa bena there afore 's! Eh, but the sicht o' the bonny corp maun hae gien Steenie a sair hert! I wudna won'er gien he never wan ower't i' this life!

"The needs o' the little are stude aye far afore mine, and had to be seen til first! And noo that we hae the mither o' 'im, we'll get on faumous! Isna she a fine cratur, and richt mitherlike wi' the bairn? That was a' I was concernt aboot! We'll get her story frae her or lang, and syne we'll ken a hantle better hoo to help her on!

There's a heap o' fowk an' no aye the warst, maybe," continued Malcolm, thinking of his father, "'at wull ha'e their bite o' the aipple afore they spite it oot. But for my leddy sister, she's owre prood ever to disgrace hersel'." "Weel, maybe, gien she bena misguidit by them she's wi'. But I'm no sae muckle concernt aboot her. Only it's plain 'at ye ha'e no richt to lead her intill temptation."

At length six men in a body, and one lagging behind, appeared coming down the winding path, all but Peter no doubt wondering why they were called so soon from their beds on such a peaceful morning after being out the night before. Malcolm went to meet them. "Freen's," he said, "I'm in want o' yer help." "Onything ye like, Ma'colm, sae far 's I'm concernt, 'cep' it be to ride yer mere.

"'Deed ye're richt eneuch, there, my son!" answered the old man. Then after a pause he resumed. "It's aye siller or banes 'at fesses them back. I can weel un'erstan' a great reluctance to tak their last leave o' the siller, but for the banes eh, but I'll be unoo pleased to be rid o' mine!" "But whaur banes are concernt, hasna there aye been fause play?" suggested Cosmo.

At length six men in a body, and one lagging behind, appeared coming down the winding path all but Peter no doubt wondering why they were called so soon from their beds, on such a peaceful morning, after being out the night before. Malcolm went to meet them. "Freen's," he said, "I'm in want o' yer help." "Onything ye like, Ma'colm, sae far 's I'm concernt, 'cep' it be to. ride yer mere.

Ye hae whaur to put them. "Ow, guid dale fleers what ither?" answered the farmer. " It's the wa's, wuman, no the fleers we hae to be concernt aboot i' this wather." "Gien the j'ists be strang, an' weel set intil the wa's, what for sudna ye tak the horse up the stair intil yer bedrooms?