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And this priest! this priest, who blessed me when my heart was swimming in gall and blood I could have stabbed him! Oh! it is too much! No! no!" he cried, covering his face with his hands: "my head bursts my ideas are confused I cannot resist such attacks of impotent rage! And all this for you! Cecily! Cecily! do you know how much I suffer? do you know, Cecily demon brought up from below!"

Cecily was seated with several books open before her; the smile of friendly welcome slowly lighting her grave countenance, showed that her mind detached itself with difficulty from an absorbing subject. "Welcome always," she said, "and most so when least expected." The room was less bare than when she first occupied it.

I, on the other hand, should be very sorry indeed to think that Cecily has no lot in life besides marriage; to me she seemed a human being to be instructed and developed, not a pretty girl to be made ready for the market. The rose coloured spectacles had no part whatever in my system.

I heard her and Cecily talking over their troubles one evening while I was weeding the onion bed and they were behind the hedge knitting lace. I did not mean to eavesdrop. I supposed they knew I was there until Cecily overwhelmed me with indignation later on. "I'm so afraid, Cecily, that I'm going to be homely all my life," said poor Sara with a tremble in her voice.

That contents him well enough, though. Oh, yes, I shall go. The Broadleys won't care about me, and Cecily won't want me long." Neeld could give real comfort only at the price of indiscretion. Moreover he was not at all sure that a disclosure of the truth would bring any comfort, for Mina wanted to be on both sides and to harmonize devotion to Cecily with zeal for Harry.

He looked again: surely there was something gliding along the wall! A quick tremor of anticipation passed over him. It was Cecily, who had lingered in the garden perhaps to give him one more opportunity!

At present, the thought of calm conversation with such a woman made a soothing contrast to the riot excited in him by Cecily. Did she read his mind? For one thing, it was not impossible that the Spences had spoken freely in her presence of himself and his odd relations to the girl; there was no doubting how they regarded him.

The key, a small ornamental brass one, was in his purse, not far off, and Lady Thistlewood was full of exceeding satisfaction at the unpacking not only of foreign gifts, but, as she hoped, of the pearls; Cecily meantime stole quietly in, to watch that her patient was not over-wearied.

"It's really the only way to be married," declared Cecily. "Well, for you people for you extraordinary Tristrams I dare say it is," said Mina. "You'll come?" Cecily implored. "She couldn't keep away," mocked Harry. "She's got to see the end of us." "Yes, and our new beginning. Oh, what Blent's going to be, Mina! If you don't come with us now, we won't let you stay at Merrion."

Almost immediately he followed. She did not stop at the drawing-room; he followed, and came up with her at the bedroom door. Still she paid no attention, but went in and took off her hat. "Where have you been since yesterday afternoon?" he asked, when he had slammed the door. Cecily looked at him with offended surprise almost as she might have regarded an insolent servant.