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"Then either Gladys has a remarkable gift of loving, or else you are a different Julia in her company," remarked Mother Carey, quietly, raising Julia's astonishment and perturbation to an immeasurable height. "Now, Kathleen," continued Mother Carey, "Mrs. Godfrey has often asked you to spend a week with Elsie, and you can go to Charlestown on the afternoon train.

At the Sunflower Ranch, Carey drew rein to let Thaine leave them. Leigh, putting both arms about the little boy's neck, kissed him good-by, saying: "I have known you always because you are the Thaine" she caught her breath, and added: "You must come to my uncle Jim's and see me." "I will, I will," Thaine assured her.

And there is no prejudice in him against you at all. Moreover, if his dreams come true, little Thaine Aydelot will never need it." There was a sternness in Carey's voice that pained his hostess. "But, Doctor Carey!" she began hesitatingly. Then, as if to change the trend of thought, she added simply, "I try to use it well." Horace Carey was by nature and experience a keen reader of human minds.

In countries like India and China, where civilisation has long ago reached its highest level, and has been declining for want of the salt of a universal Christianity, it is the missionary again who interferes for the highest ends, but by a different process. This was what Carey did for the speech of the Bengalees.

An agreeable surprise, however, awaits me, for at the corner of one of the principal business thoroughfares a couple of American missionaries appear upon the scene. Introducing themselves as Mr. Carey and Mr. Kowland, they inform me that three families of missionaries reside together here, and extend a cordial invitation to remain over Sunday.

He appealed to Chief Carey, and the Chief agreed. "Now now " continued the jeweller, "say a watch apiece, if they didn't like to take money. Just a gold watch. Here were two nice ones!" In the end his insistence won, the boys becoming at last too embarrassed and too fearful of losing their train to refuse longer.

The goods, the sale of which was intended to maintain the mission, were entrusted to Thomas, and realized next to nothing; and Carey was indebted to the goodwill of a rich Hindoo for a miserable house in an unhealthy suburb of Calcutta, where he lodged his unfortunate family.

But you see the steamer was going to Porthole, and the captain said he could not anyhow put back to Kyve, but he must take us on, and we must get back by train." Mother Carey understood this, for the direct line ran to Porthole, and there was a small junction station whence a branch ran to Kyvemouth, from which Kyve St. Clements was some three miles distant. "Were you carried on?" she asked.

Bunce was in the employment of certain copying law-stationers in Carey Street, and had a strong belief in the law as a profession; but he had none whatever in the House of Commons. "And he's given up going into chambers?" said Mr. Bunce to his wife. "Given it up altogether for the present," said Mrs. Bunce. "And he don't mean to have no clerk?" said Mr. Bunce.

"Oh, my dear, I can't take it," he said. "It's most awfully good of you, but I couldn't bear to take it." When Mrs. Carey was married she had three hundred pounds, and this money, carefully watched, had been used by her to meet any unforeseen expense, any urgent charity, or to buy Christmas and birthday presents for her husband and for Philip.