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But she would not sadden their blithe young hearts, and added cheerfully, "Just the same as ever, I see: how well I know the outline of the bank there!" "Ay, it is your fatherland, too, Aunt Mary! Is there not something inspiring in the very air? Come, Fred, can't you get up a little enthusiasm?" "Oceans, without getting it up," replied Fred.

When he left me I reached up to see him going down the road to the railway station. His old father was walking proudly by his side, bare-headed as usual and still as blithe as a boy. Next day I was startled by an unexpected telegram. It came from a convent in Lancashire and was addressed to "Mary O'Neill, care of Doctor Conrad."

One evening, as I was sitting at home, after closing the shop for the night, and conversing concerning the augmentation of our worldly affairs with Mrs Pawkie and the bairns it was a damp raw night; I mind it just as well as if it had been only yestreen who should make his appearance at the room door but the bailie himself, and a blithe face he had?

I am the vice-president and general manager of the N.C.O., and I am engaged in the blithe task of making a jump-crossing of your rails. I had hoped to accomplish this without your knowledge or consent, but now that you are here, that hope, of course, has died a-bornin'. Have a cigar." And he thrust a perfecco under the Colonel's nose.

I remarked the blithe, youthful look that shone on all their faces: Sister Maria Colomba herself, from a pale, nervous girl, had expanded into a strong, hale, buxom woman. The glow of health was on her cheek, the sparkle of innocent mirth shone in her eye. There was one among the sisters who gleefully asked me to guess at her age. She was a sweet, fresh-complexioned, matronly woman.

Campbell, in one of the long consultations that she and the earl held together concerning Helen, who was of necessity given over almost exclusively to the good woman's charge; "but ye'll see, my lord, she will look nae mair at any mortal man. She'll just spend her days in tending that wean o' hers and a sweet bit thing it is, ye ken by-and-by she'll get blithe and bonnie again.

"Did you know that she could sing, too. She sang several verses by an astonishing little Jew violin-cellist that is come up over there." The Padre gazed down at his blithe guest. "To see somebody, somebody, once again, is very pleasant to a hermit!" "It cannot be more pleasant than arriving at an oasis," returned Gaston.

The British Neuve Chapelle wounded were, if not gay, many of them blithe and smiling their bodies were hurt but their minds were cheerful; but the wounded of the Prussian Guard the proudest military force in the world who had come back to their home town decimated and humbled these Guards formed the most amazing agglomeration of broken men I have ever encountered.

After this adventure he was well contented to stay at home; and I 've no doubt if you look through a telescope you will see him there to this day. The Jolly Miller The Jolly Miller There was a jolly miller Lived on the river Dee; He sang and worked from morn till night, No lark so blithe as he.

On arriving at Weybridge station, Cornish found Marguerite awaiting his arrival in a very high dog-cart drawn by an exceedingly shiny cob, which animal she proceeded to handle with vast spirit and a blithe ignorance. She looked trim and fresh, with bright brown hair under a smart sailor hat, and a complexion almost dazzling in its youthfulness and brilliancy. She nodded gaily at Cornish.