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The library had long since been denuded of its valuable books, in the same way that the old frame mansion had lost its finer furniture, piece by piece, as some whim of its mistress made a sacrifice necessary. In consequence, about all that remained now to afford Bernie amusement were certain works on art which had no market value.

Down the ringing stairs marched the grim-featured men who had set themselves this task, and among them Bernie Dreux strode, issuing orders. The weapon in his hand was hot, his shoulder was bruised, for he had long been unaccustomed to the use of firearms.

And on a flaring red and green sign: BERNIE GOTTSCHALK'S MUSIC HOUSE! Terry accepted. She followed the sound of the music. Around the corner. Up a little flight of stairs.

"I forgot I had to have milk and butter and sugar and a lot of things. Guess we can't do it." "Guess we can!" retorted Bernice, and she pushed a bell button. "Oh, Bernie!" exclaimed Dotty, "you oughtn't to call the maid so late! She'll be in bed." "Then she won't answer," said Bernice, calmly. But in a moment a maid did come, and smilingly listened to their requests.

"Alicia is in a temper, and won't say anything except to snap out something quarrelsome. What are we going to do?" "I don't know, Bernie," and Dotty looked as if at her wits' end. "It's bad enough to put up with that old Fenn's hateful talk, but now Dolly's gone queer, and you say Alicia has, what ARE we to do?" "Let's talk it all over with Mrs.

"We'll have Miss Fabrizi b-by all means," Bernie chattered. "You stay here and talk to her while I go," Norvin suggested, quickly. "And, Myra Nell, I'll fetch you a lot of chocolates. I'll fetch you anything, if you'll only cheer up." "Remember, It's against my wishes," the girl said. "But she's not at the hospital now; she's living in the Italian quarter."

I couldn't ask Bernie to buy me one, since he refused to let me ride, so I made a skirt out of our grand-piano cover it was miles long, and a darling shade of green. When it came to a hat I was stumped until I thought of Bernie's silk one. No mother ever loved a child as he loved that hat, you know. I twisted his evening scarf around it, and the effect was really stunning it floated beautifully.

"Until yesterday I thought, of course, Gran'ma Scott would come. Then Mary died, and she went up to Dayne. So I went over and asked Bernie; her baby isn't but three weeks old, you know, and I thought she might bring it over here. Mama would love to have it! But late last night Tom came over, and he said Bernie was so crazy to go, they were going to take the baby along!"

Why, the boys just scraped acquaintance with us, and even had to ask our names!" "That's the way they do at large parties, Bernie," said her uncle. "You are supposed to talk to any of the other guests without introduction." "Well, it's no sort of a way! They were awfully nice boys, but I don't suppose we'll ever see them again." "Oh, yes, we will," said Dolly.

Forbes doesn't look on it as giving as clothes because we're poor " "He does so, Dot! You can't fool me! He knows that Alicia and Bernie can afford grand clothes and we can't, and so he gives us each a dress to make it easy for us to take them." Now, Alicia privately thought this was just about the truth, but Bernice thought differently; "Rubbish!" she cried.