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One of these, writing long afterwards, has described, in phrases still impregnated with awestruck reverence, the familiar details of the scene: 'the glance with which he looked round in the few moments of silence before the lesson began, and which seemed to speak his sense of his own position' 'the attitude in which he stood, turning over the pages of Facciolati's Lexicon, or Pole's synopsis, with his eye fixed upon the boy who was pausing to give an answer' 'the pleased look and the cheerful "thank you", which followed upon a successful translation' 'the fall of his countenance with its deepening severity, the stern elevation of the eyebrows, the sudden "sit down" which followed upon the reverse' and 'the startling earnestness with which he would cheek in a moment the slightest approach to levity'.

I go and see him, whi now and then. He is a busy man." "And the er minister?" "He is Dr Strang. He has the Presbyterian Church in Howard Street. I have sat under him every Sabbath since I came to London." "Wh what for?" asked Kitty involuntarily, and in a rather awestruck voice.

The physician had excluded every ray of sunshine and a hush, like that of the grave, reigned in the apartment. In her intercourse with the people of the settlement, Adèle had often witnessed extreme illness and several dying scenes; but she had never before felt herself so oppressed and awestruck as now.

McTeague listened to him, awestruck. "There's where the evil lies," Marcus would cry. "The masses must learn self-control; it stands to reason. Look at the figures, look at the figures. Decrease the number of wage earners and you increase wages, don't you? don't you?" Absolutely stupid, and understanding never a word, McTeague would answer: "Yes, yes, that's it self-control that's the word."

It was the summit of this clear-cut hill, and what was visible upon it, that held his fascinated attention. Suddenly a half-whispered word escaped him and Ralph was beside him in a moment. "Look!" And Nick's arm was outstretched pointing. And Ralph looked in time to see the ghostly form of the Hooded Man as it slowly passed from view over the hill. "The Hood!" exclaimed Ralph, in awestruck tones.

The other wore a more ordinary costume of white, with a white burnous and a turban spangled with gold. "Madame!" said Batouch. "Yes." "Do you see the Arab dressed in green?" He spoke in an almost awestruck voice. "Yes. Who is he?" "The great marabout who lives at Beni-Hassan." The name struck upon Domini's ear with a strange familiarity.

Forty thousand souls arising amid smoke and blackened clouds of flying stones and upheaving earth, with outstretched arms, and faces strained with horror, emerging suddenly from their old bodies into their spirit-forms looking awestruck into each other's faces; a vast swarm clinging together almost as helplessly as young bees to their hive suddenly cut off from their occupations and their pleasures, their homes, and their familiar affairs of earth!

But Alice lived in Ainsley, where, report had it, she was "keeping company" with Robb Chillingwood, and now the two girls only met when Alice visited the farm at such seasons of the year as the present. "Do you think it will be safe to go further?" asked Alice, in a tone of awestruck amazement. "You say you are sure of the way.

Charles took the key, and, accompanied by the awestruck servant, he made his way by the back stairs to the door opening from the dressing-room, which, as we have said, intervened between the valet's chamber and Sir Wynston's. After a momentary hesitation, Charles turned the key in the door, and stood. "In the dark chamber of white death."

Incredible as the story seemed, Barrington's manner was so earnest as to almost compel belief. 'Really and truly, or are you only having a game? said Frankie at length, speaking almost in a whisper. Elsie and Charley maintained an awestruck silence, while Freddie beat upon the glass with the palms of his hands.