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Of all the forms of column and capital existing in Egypt, the Greeks, however, only selected that straight-sided fluted type of which the Beni-Hassan example is the best known, but by no means the only instance. We first meet with these fluted columns at Corinth, of very sturdy proportions, and having a wide, swelling, clumsy moulding under the abacus by way of a capital.

This place was captured in 1263, by Alphonso the Wise, King of Castille, who was a short time after dispossessed of his conquest by the King of Fez; and the Moorish Sultans have kept it to the present time, though the city itself has often attempted to throw off the imperial yoke. The modern Salee is a large commercial and well-fortified city of the province of Beni-Hassan.

He was on the borders of the country of the Beni-Hassan, and, after wading the river, which he had heard in the night, he began again on his journey. It was now Friday morning, and by sunset of that day he would be back at his home near Semsa. Already he could see Tetuan far away, girt by its white walls, and perched on the hillside.

Once more he was on the defensive. The Count did not seem to notice it. Perhaps he was too radiant. "I hope I shall endure as well as you, Monsieur," he said. "I go to Beni-Hassan to visit Sidi El Hadj Aissa, one of the mightiest marabouts in the Sahara. In your Church," he added, turning again to Domini, "he would be a powerful Cardinal." She noticed the "your."

The earliest form is that at Beni-Hassan, which has already been noticed as the prototype of the Doric order. Figs. 23 and 24 are views of two columns of a type more commonly employed.

He has come out of the south, three hundred kilometres away, from Beni-Hassan, a sacred village a sacred village." He repeated the last words, lowering his voice. "Of course go and see him." "And you?" He glanced towards Androvsky, who was standing with his back to them. "Won't you show Monsieur Androvsky the garden?"

As she spoke, his hand dropped down. "I have been away from Beni-Hassan," he said slowly. "The marabout and I have been travelling in the south and only returned yesterday. I have heard no news for a long time from Beni-Mora, but I know. You are Madame Androvsky." "Yes," she answered; "I am Madame Androvsky." There was a silence between them. In it she heard the dripping water in the fountain.

In writing the history of the Egyptian column we explained how the natural desire for as much light as possible led the architects of Beni-Hassan to transform the square pier, first into an octagonal prism, secondly into one with sixteen sides. And to this progressive elaboration of the polyhedric shaft the flutes seemed to us to owe their origin.

Hieroglyphic inscriptions as far back as 1684 B.C. mention the cat, and there is at Leyden a tablet of the eighteenth or nineteenth dynasty with a cat seated under a chair. A temple at Beni-Hassan is dedicated to Pasht or Bubastis, the goddess of cats, which is as old as Thothmes IV of the eighteenth dynasty, 1500 B.C.; and the cat appears in written rituals of that dynasty.

The other wore a more ordinary costume of white, with a white burnous and a turban spangled with gold. "Madame!" said Batouch. "Yes." "Do you see the Arab dressed in green?" He spoke in an almost awestruck voice. "Yes. Who is he?" "The great marabout who lives at Beni-Hassan." The name struck upon Domini's ear with a strange familiarity.