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Why can't some of us choose intellectual topics?" By intellectual topics she meant subjects that you can read up in the encyclopædia. Miss Anglin sort of smiled. "Do you truly think that you all see the same things day after day? How curious! Have you ever played a game called Slander?"

I've seen a lot in my time. Once I was adopted, and went away on the railroad over forty miles to live with a man named Peter Bopp and his wife. They had a ranch. Doctor Anglin said I was strong and bright, and I said I was, too. That was because I wanted to be adopted. And Peter Bopp said he'd give me a good home, and the lawyers fixed up the papers.

He had not been a fortnight in the government before he began to realize the fact that his influence in it was quite overshadowed by that of Mr. Smith and Mr. Anglin, although neither of them held any office. Mr.

You see, she went off and got married, and she didn't tell me about it. I guess being married ain't what it's cracked up to be. Dr. Anglin and his wife used to fight. I've seen them. And once I heard her call him a feeb. Now nobody has a right to call anybody a feeb that ain't. Dr. Anglin got awful mad when she called him that. But he didn't last long.

"Is thar any good fishin' about yere?" he asks. "Which I shore yearns to fish some." ""Does this yere landscape," I says, wavin' my arm about the hor'zon, "remind you much of fish? Stranger," I says, "fish an' christians is partic'lar sparse in Arizona." "'Then this person Davis la'nches out into tales deescriptif of how he goes anglin' back in the States.

"Hadn't we better get a rig to take him home with?" Irish suggested. Weary, exploring farther, had just disclosed a ragged wound under the arm where the bullet had passed out; he made no immediate reply. "Well, he ain't got it stuck inside of 'im, anyway," Big Medicine commented relievedly. "Don't look to me like it's so awful bad went through kinda anglin', and maybe missed his lungs.

"I have prepared the state rooms for your ladyship, pending your ladyship's choice of your own," Mrs. Anglin said. "Here is the boudoir, the bedroom, the bathroom, and his lordship's dressing-room all en suite and I hope your ladyship will find them as handsome, as we old servants of the family think they are!" And Zara came up to the scratch and made a charming little speech.

There is no suggestion of flabbiness about her and so she can impart to us the soul of the struggling moujik, the spirit of a nation, the figure on the prow of a Greek bark.... And when she interprets the Marseillaise she seems indeed to feel the mighty moment. July 14, 1917. Margaret Anglin Produces As You Like It

Drew and his daughter and his niece Miss Barrymore and her brothers, and Miss Anglin and Miss Bates or Miss Adams or anybody like that. Don't you think so? Or what do you think? Could it be done, or has it been or what about it?" Miss Havender gasped. She saw new vistas of business opening before her.

Do you know, I never heard Robbie Belle say a sharp thing except once. She said it that day when we were telling Miss Anglin about the classes. It was: "Whenever I want to say something mean about anybody, I think I shall call it a scientific analysis of character." It was the first evening at college in their junior year.