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"Why, they've plann'd me in High Street on a Sunday mornin'." "Niver!" gasped Sally, coming to look at the plan herself; "where is it?" He placed his finger on the number which indicated his work, and she saw it was a fact. "Well," she said, "thaa canna goa; thaa has no claathes fit to wear amang them grand foak."

Bobby's no' deid. Nae doot he's amang the stanes i' the kirkyaird. He's aye scramblin' aboot for vermin an' pussies, an' may hae hurt himsel', an' ye a' ken the bonny wee wadna cry oot i' the kirkyaird. Noo, get to wark, an' dinna stand there greetin' an' waggin' yer tongues.

Endeavouring, therefore, to assume his usual cajoling tone, though internally incensed, he begged "his goot friend Maister Edie Ochiltrees would lead the way, and assured him of his acquiescence in all such an excellent friend could propose." "Aweel, aweel, then," said Edie, "tak gude care o' your feet amang the lang grass and the loose stones.

An unanimous grin intimated the assent of the assembly. "And," continued the orator, "if it's your wull, I'll just tak a step as far as Dunse for Davie Dingwall, the writer, that's come frae the North to settle amang us, and he'll pit this job to rights, I'se warrant him."

Weft, and paid him wi' part of the very note that brocht on the ferly I hae just been relating. But his gude wull didna end here, for he insisted on takin' us a' Nosey amang the lave to the nearest public, where he gi'ed us a frien'ly glass, and we keepit tawking about monkeys, and what not, in a manner at ance edifying and amusing to hear. Blackwood's Magazine. No. "To marry!

"'Captain, for God's sake gan doon to the cabin and pacify them! They're playin' nap, and they've faalen oot amang theirselves, and there's fair almighty hell gannin' on. Aa's sure if ye divvent get them pacified ther'll be morder! "'My good man, I said,'I cannot leave the bridge. "'Ye canna' leave the bridge! What for, then?

King William caused Breadalbane distribute twenty thousand oude punds sterling amang them, and it's said the auld Hieland Earl keepit a lang lug o't in his ain sporran.

"If your honour wad permit me," said Edie, to whom the length of the conference restored a part of his professional audacity and native talkativeness "if your honour wad but permit me, I wad say, under correction of your lordship's better judgment, that auld Elspeth's like some of the ancient ruined strengths and castles that ane sees amang the hills.

"D'ye ken what Maister Welsh was sayin' was the new doctrine amang thae New Licht Moderates 'hireling shepherds, he ca'd them? Noo I'm no on mysel' wi' sae muckle speakin' aboot the deil. "Gae wa' wi' ye, John Scott! wha's gaun aboot doin' sae muckle ill then, I wad like to ken?" said Meg Kissock.

I'm thinking a good deal of him mysel'; and with your permission, Shaws, I'll be getting a wee yont amang the bents, so that I can see what way James goes." One after another went, till I was left alone beside the breakfast-table; James to Dunkirk, Alan dogging him, Catriona up the stairs to her own chamber.