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"Ah-h!" the older woman exclaimed. "That's different. I misunderstood." She put down the signals of her wrath, succeeding in that readjustment so promptly that Lucille stared at her in undisguised amazement. "You must pardon me, Miss Sloane. I thought you were making me the victim of your ridicule, some heartless joke." "Then, we can come to an agreement? That is, if this money is the first "

"Well, ain't they purty?" While they lay in her hand and she looked, the rose-veined petals began to close, the leaves to droop and the stem got limp. "Ah-h!" crooned June. "I won't pull up no more o' THEM." "These little dream-flowers found in the spring. More poetry, June." A little later he heard her repeating that line to herself.

He owed the world a grudge, just then, and needed nothing more than an object to wreak his vengeance upon. "Well, I'll stake you to a good long look," he added sweetly. "Ah-h! don't you try to be so funny; you might get hurt." Pete seemed to be suddenly electrified by Ro-land's matter. "Here!" he interposed. "Whajuh mean by that?"

The same swift glance, shifting low, brought into range of her sight a smoking gun and splashes of blood. "Ah-h!" she moaned, and was drifting, sinking again into darkness, when Lassiter's voice arrested her. "It's all right, Jane. It's all right." "Did you kill him?" she whispered. "Who? That fat party who was here? No. I didn't kill him." "Oh!... Lassiter!" "Say! It was queer for you to faint.

"What Moulder's asleep is he?" she said as she entered the room. "I suppose that's as good as a pair of gloves, any way." "He ain't just very well," said Mrs. Moulder, winking at her friend; "he's tired after a long journey." "Oh-h! ah-h!" said Mrs. Smiley, looking down upon the sleeping beauty, and understanding everything at a glance.

I take-a pennees so," and he went over a handful of invisible coins, "I see!" pointing to the ring. "Where get-a?" He stared wildly around, to show how great had been his amazement. "Ah-h! him ba-ad-a monkee! him get-a up-a beeg house beeg seeck-house yours!" He ended with a delighted grin, which signified his pleasure in having his surmises come true.

"Bring your men an' be damned!" he answered; and now his head tilted back and he set his shoulders to the wall. "I'll be afther lickin' your whole crew! A man do ye call yourself? Ah-h, ye're not fit to be lickin' the boots ay a man! Slave driver? No, ye're an overseer, an' Henshaw kicks you an' you pass the kick along.

There you will find yourself plunged headlong into English life with not an American environment to bless yourself with, and you will soon get your English point of view." "Ah-h," responded the simpleton who goes by my name, "that is what we want. We will go to 'The Insular." We wrote at once for rooms, and then telegraphed for them from Southampton.

Gibson was in charge: "On deck, sir!" he sang out, with such eagerness that the watch came instantly to attention. "Well, sir?" cried Ben. "Ah-h blows! Again, sir!" "Pass the word for Cap'n Rogers, Webb," the second mate said to me, and grabbing his glasses he started up the backstays to see the sight.

He had believed that Jackson himself was at hand, and he still believed it. His eyes shifted from Pope to the dark woods, which, with their thick foliage, turned back the moonlight. "George," he whispered to Warner, "do you think you can see anything among those trees?" "I can make out dimly one or two figures, which no doubt are our scouts. Ah-h!"