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Linda reached for the telephone, called Gilman, and asked him if he could go to the beach for supper that evening. He immediately replied that he would. Then she called Peter Morrison and asked him the same question and when Peter answered affirmatively she told him to bring his car. Then she hastily put on her own field clothes and ran to the kitchen to fill the lunch box.

Suddenly he stopped part way on the stairs, and asked with a half jeering, half pitying look at his companion: "If he should find out?" Kranitski turned his face away. "My Maryan with you of that " "Painted pots!" laughed Maryan. "Do you take me for my great-grandfather? Well, has he found it out?" With red spots on his cheeks and forehead Kranitski blinked affirmatively.

During an interlude I was asked if it was not probable that we would encounter Shields, and answering affirmatively, heard: "Them Germans is poor creatures, but Shields's boys will be after fighting." Expressing a belief that my "boys" could match Shields's any day, I received loud assurance from half a hundred Tipperary throats: "You may bet your life on that, sor."

Then taking the glass he would make a turn or two of the quarter-deck, looking here and looking there, as if to satisfy himself that there was nothing between his ship and the horizon. Then lowering his glass he would nod his head affirmatively, and say: "Mermaids ain't got nothin' at all to do with it.

"I sold the cotton at twelve cents a pound," was the reply. "Nothing was said about the quality." "Twelve cents is the price of a prime article. If you had been asked by Peterson if the cotton were in good condition, would you have answered affirmatively?" "Do you think I would tell a lie?" asked Mr. Rowley, indignantly. "Our acts are the most perfect expressions of our intentions," replied Mr.

Of their discourse, though I could hear the greater part of it, I understood not a single word; and I wondered what it could be, for I knew by the sound that it was not French. At last the man, in a somewhat louder tone, appeared to put a question to the woman, who nodded her head affirmatively, and in a moment or two produced a small stool, which she delivered to him.

Only, fearing some new snare of the Abbe d'Aigrigny, I did not choose, you understand, to explain myself more clearly." "Then I shall see my orphans?" Rodin nodded affirmatively, with an expression of great good-nature. "Presently perhaps immediately," said Adrienne, with smile. "Well! was I right in telling you that you had not judged this gentleman fairly?"

She was a woman of forty, Italian, thin and swarthy, with large, sharp, cunning eyes. She placed three cards upon the table, and said: "Let us first see what has brought you here. The gentleman has just received a severe shock and is in great fear ..." Camillo, astonished, nodded affirmatively. "And he wishes to know," she continued, "whether anything will happen to him or not ..."

"Au revoir, and thank you!" she said there, regaining her accustomed lightness. "Good-by! At least for the present," he added. "I am leaving London," abruptly. "Leaving?" She regarded him in surprise. "To be gone long?" "It is difficult to say. Perhaps." "But you must have decided suddenly?" "Yes." "While we have been riding home?" Again he answered affirmatively; the blue eyes looked at him long.

If the question is to be answered affirmatively, it is clear that only in one direction must we look. The trait that really places Wordsworth on an eminence above his poetic contemporaries, and ranks him, as the ages are likely to rank him, on a line just short of the greatest of all time, is his direct appeal to will and conduct.