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Things which are tolerated in London and New York streets, are not permitted in the streets of Paris. A street-walker ventured to accost an Englishman in Paris at night, and was taken in charge by the police. But this outward fairness only indicates that in Paris, even the vices are regulated by the state.

Put surely I accost Alain de Kerouec, son of the Marquis de Rochebriant." "True, sir; but " "But you do not remember me, your old college friend, Frederic Lemercier?" "Is it possibly?" cried Alain, cordially, and with an animation which charged the whole character of his countenance. "My dear Frederic, my dear friend, this is indeed good fortune! So you, too, are at Paris?" "Of course; and you?

Seeing the flag on the stable, Banneker nodded, and walked over. A groom pointed out a spare, powerful looking young man with a pink face, startlingly defined by a straight black mustache and straighter black eyebrows, mounting a light-built roan, a few rods away. Banneker accosted him. "Yes, my name is Densmore," he answered the visitor's accost.

"Really!" Blake looked his incredulity. "Sure thing! Last night I insulted a perfectly nice gentleman just to provoke a quarrel. I'd never seen him before, and ordinarily I hesitate to accost strangers; but I felt as if I'd have hysterics if I couldn't lick somebody; so I walked up to this person and told him his necktie was in rotten taste." "What did he say?"

The commissioners generally speak French, English, and German, and after trying one of these tongues upon the strangers whom they accost, and finding that they are not understood, they try another and another until they succeed. The commissioner in this case addressed Mr. George first in German. Mr. George said, "Nein," meaning no, and walked on.

Sometimes, at the sight of Paul, she advanced sportively to meet him; but, when about to accost him, was overcome by a sudden confusion; her pale cheeks were covered with blushes, and her eyes no longer dared to meet those of her brother. Paul said to her, "The rocks are covered with verdure, our birds begin to sing when you approach, everything around you is gay, and you only are unhappy."

She realised with a quiver of alarm that it was the first time in all these months that he had ventured to approach her. It was clear that he now meant to accost her,—he might even contemplate violence! She wanted to run, but her feet refused to obey the impulse.

And the porter will he attend to thy proxy?" "Doubt it not. Accost him with the word, 'Grenada. But he expects to share the flight." "That can be arranged. To-morrow you will hear of my success. Farewell!" It was midnight in the chapel of the convent.

The peasants in Switzerland, when they meet strangers in ascending or descending the mountains, always accost them pleasantly and wish them good morning or good evening. In most other countries, strangers meeting each other on the road pass in silence.

Seems to me he looks like our own little lost one; only darker and sturdier." "Much sturdier," I heard her say as I made haste to accost the child. "Harry," I cried, recalling my old address when I was in training for a gentleman; "your aunt is in a hurry. The cars are coming; don't you hear the whistle? Will you trust yourself to me?