United States or Panama ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Well, it's a pretty little mill privilege that too, ain't it; but it ain't just altogether worth comin' so far to see. So I've seen the Falls at last! "Arter a while in comes a Britisher. "'Waiter, says he, 'how far is it to the Falls? "'Little over a half a mile, Sir. "'Which way do you get there? "'Turn to the right, and then to the left, and then go a-head.

Having sent a boat a-head, I bore away W. by N. many small islands, rocks, and shoals lying between us and the main, and many of a larger extent without us; our soundings till near noon were from fourteen to seventeen fathom, when the boat made the signal for meeting with shoal water; upon this we hauled close upon a wind to the eastward, but suddenly fell into three-fathom and a quarter; we immediately dropped an anchor, which brought the ship up with all her sails standing.

Still, the distance between them was too great, in the opinion of Bignall, to commence the contest, while the facility with which his adversary moved a-head threatened to protract the important moment to an unreasonable extent, or to reduce him to a crowd of sail that might prove embarrassing while enveloped in the smoke, and pressed by the urgencies of the combat.

But it is the unfair advantages of these islanders, which carry them thus potently a-head. Is it so, indeed? Philosopher, you are wrong. Philosopher, you are envious. You speak Spanish, philosopher, or even French. Those advantages, which you suppose to disturb the equities of the case were they not products of British energy?

George was for accompanying them, till the line of Miss Carrington's back gave him her unmistakeable opinion of such a course of conduct, and he had to dally and fret by her side. Andrew's arm was tightly grasped by the Countess. The rivals were crossing the second field, Laxley a little a-head. 'He 's holding in the black mare that fellow! said Mr. George. 'Gad, it looks like going at the fence.

Let us look a-head, don't let's look back, for we can't see nothin' there." "Indeed, Sam," said he, with a sad and melancholy air, "it would be better for us all if we looked back oftener than we do. From the errors of the past, we might rectify our course for the future. Prospective sin is often clothed in very alluring garments; past sin appears in all its naked deformity.

He has had a hint or two already, and he'll never fight the next election. D'ye see hey? And Wylder winked and grinned, with a wag of his head. 'M.P. eh? You did not see that before. I look a-head a bit, eh? and can take my turn at the wheel eh? And he laughed with cunning exultation. 'Miss Rachel will find I'm not quite such a lubber as she fancies. But even then it is only begun.

"Three hundred and forty yards in a second!" said Willis, who was beginning by degrees to recover his self-possession. "Well, that is what I should call going a-head." "And by what sort of compasses has this speed been measured, Master Ernest?" "The first accurate measurement, Master Jack, was made at Paris in 1738.

The seven men who had introduced us, went back at the same time that we continued our journey, and two more belonging to the new tribe, went on a-head to prepare the the neighbouring tribe to receive us; nor did we see anything more of them during the day. We encamped on the left bank of the river, amidst a polygonum scrub, in which we found a number of the crested pigeon.

The Indefatigable continued standing to the southward, until the captain of the mizen-top gave the alarm of breakers on the lee-bow. The ship was immediately wore in eighteen fathoms, and she stood to the northward till half-past six, when land was again seen close a-head on the weather-bow, with breakers under the lee.