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Updated: August 3, 2024

'Latt the young ozebird aloun, zay I. Makk zuch ado about un, wi' hogs'-puddens, and hock-bits, and lambs'-mate, and whaten bradd indade, and brewers' ale avore dinner-time, and her not to zit wi' no winder aupen draive me mad 'e doo, the ov'ee, zuch a passel of voouls. Do 'un good to starve a bit; and takk zome on's wackedness out ov un.

'One Devon man, he says to me, 'don' lave anotherr. We werr six days where we shuld ha' been tu; when we got back to the ship a cruiser had got her for gun-runnin'." "And what has become of Captain Pearse?" Prawle answered, "Zurr, I belave 'e went to China, 'tis onsartin." "He's not dead?" Prawle looked at me with a kind of uneasy anger. "Yu cudden' kell 'en! 'Tis true, mun 'll die zome day.

A feeling of compassion for my creaking boots surged up in me, so well could I imagine the sorrowful long curiosity of regard which he would bend on them. "Zome boods," he said slowly, "are bad from birdt. If I can do noding wid dem, I dake dem off your bill." He took my order without showing me any leather, and I could feel his eyes penetrating the inferior integument of my foot.

"We resarvists carried some of the recroots on our backs for miles. We ain't no chickens." "No, that we bain't," said a West-countryman. "I reckon we can teach them young fellers zummat. Oi zeed zome on 'em pretty clytenish when they was under foire the fust time. Though they were middlin' steady, arterwards," he added indulgently as though jealous of the honour of his regiment.

I b'lieve, vriends, ye'll call it gude when a young man zends the third o' his earnin's week by week to help his parents. That's what my zon did, vrum the taime he left whome. An' presunts never a month went by, but zome little gift ud come by the postman; an' little 'twas he'd got to live 'pon, at the best, the dear lad " The farmer was passing back the photograph. "May I see it?"

At last Jacob spoke his mind upon the subject. "Oi've heard, zur, that the Jews never eat pork; but we Christians dooz, and are right glad ov the chance. Now, zur, oi've been thinking that'tis no manner ov use our keeping that beast Spot. If he wor a zow, now, there might be zome zenze in the thing; and we all feel weak for a morzel of meat. S'poze I kill him? He won't make a bad piece of pork."

"Sehr schön!" exclaimed Herr Schlitz, looking up and nodding; "you must zing zome more," and he played the first bars of Marie, am Fenster sitzest du, humming the words under his breath, and quite oblivious of any one but himself and the singer. "Zierlich," he said when the song was done, reaching for the collection of Lassen.

A feeling of compassion for my creaking boots surged up in me, so well could I imagine the sorrowful long curiosity of regard which he would bend on them. "Zome boods," he said slowly, "are bad from birdt. If I can do noding wid dem, I dake dem off your bill." He took my order without showing me any leather, and I could feel his eyes penetrating the inferior integument of my foot.

"I like your customs better in zome dthings, but it makes you vomans too clevair; you know men better dthan ve know you." "You have the same opportunities. It's not our fault if you don't profit by them." "You tell me yourself," he goes on, unheeding, "you haf many gude friends among your fadther's and brodthers' acquaintances; dthat make you care so leedle for men." "Not a bit of it!" I laugh.

"Vayther'll be at the crooked post, tother zide o' telling-house.* Her coodn't lave 'ouze by raison of the Chirstmas bakkon comin' on, and zome o' the cider welted." * The "telling-houses" on the moor are rude cots where the shepherds meet to "tell" their sheep at the end of the pasturing season.

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