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How can I thank you enough, Gracie? I had almost made up my mind to ask Mrs. Zabriskie to take me back to Europe with her. You know she returns on the 'Werra' in July." "Indeed you shall not. I had counted on having you for bridesmaid, and you would not come home. That was the only disappointment in my wedding; but, after all, since Mr.

Zabriskie is one who does her duty in sorrow as in joy. A rare, and trustworthy woman I should say, and yet her husband does not trust her. Why? I have spent this day in accumulating details in regard to Dr. and Mrs. Zabriskie's life previous to the death of Mr. Hasbrouck. I learned from sources it would be unwise to quote just here, that Mrs.

Zabriskie. She hardly knew what she said but the look she received in return was like that of a frightened child. But there was always to be seen in Mrs. Zabriskie's countenance this characteristic blending of the severe and the childlike, and beyond an added pang of pity for this beautiful but afflicted woman, Violet let the moment pass without giving it the weight it perhaps demanded.

Your pride as a man and your consideration for her as a woman kept you silent, but did not keep the worm from preying upon your heart. "Am I not correct in my surmises, Dr. Zabriskie, and is not this the true explanation of your crime?" With a strange look, he lifted up his face. "Hush!" said he; "you will waken her. See how peacefully she sleeps!

Zabriskie loves his wife, but in a way torturing to himself and to her. If she is gone from the house he is wretched, and yet when she returns he often forbears to speak to her, or if he does speak it is with a constraint that hurts her more than his silence. I was present when she came in today.

So far, all is clear, but there are mysteries yet to be solved, which will require my utmost tact. What if I should seek out the gentleman with whose name that of Mrs. Zabriskie has been linked, and see if I can in any way connect him with Mr. Stanton or the events of that night. Eureka! I have discovered that Mr. Stanton cherished a mortal hatred for the gentleman above mentioned.

So shall the Woman's Press Club of New York City truly honor the memory of its founder and first president, Jane Cunningham Croly. Address by Orlena A. Zabriskie, President of the New York Federation That the New York State Federation should be called upon to attest its love, devotion, and admiration for Mrs.

Peter Zabriskie had an order to speak with me, and let me know that all was well at home Sergt. from Sugar House came to take account of officers in the Provost. Capt. Cunningham in town. Sergt. took account of officers. Capt. Jas. Lowry died. Mr. Miller died. Capt. Lowry buried. Aug. 1. Very sick. Weather very hot.

Hasbrouck," was his steady affirmation, given without any show of frenzy or desperation. "If you ask me why I did it, I cannot answer; if you ask me how, I am ready to state all that I know concerning the matter." "But, Dr. Zabriskie," interposed one of the inspectors, "the why is the most important thing for us to consider just now.

Seated at her side in the seat directly in front of the doctor, he watched with her these simple tokens of a breaking heart, saying nothing till they reached midstream, when true to his instincts for all his awe and compassion, he suddenly bent towards him and said: "Dr. Zabriskie, the mystery of your crime is no longer a mystery to me.