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Her hands, clasped over her knee, were brown and somewhat work-hardened; but the skin of her throat and cheeks was as white as cream. A flying gleam of sunset broke through a low-lying western cloud and fell across her hair. For a moment she seemed the spirit of the sea personified all its mystery, all its passion, all its elusive charm.

The last time he brought another doctor with him Thorn. Mrs. Brandeis was not talking now. But she was breathing. It filled the room, that breathing; it filled the house. Fanny took her mother's hand, that hand with the work-hardened palm and the broken nails. It was very cold. She looked down at it. The nails were blue. She began to rub it. She looked up into the faces of the two men.

He had now been wearing the blue uniform of the Union a little more than three months, and had not felt mother's work-hardened hands smoothing his rebellious hair or seen her face or heard a prayer like she could make in all that three months.

And I've been so afraid it would turn you against me." "You needn't fear that, Leslie." "Oh, I'm so glad so glad, Anne." Leslie clasped her brown, work-hardened hands tightly together to still their shaking. "But I want to tell you everything, now I've begun. You don't remember the first time I saw you, I suppose it wasn't that night on the shore " "No, it was the night Gilbert and I came home.

"Then, Thomas Martin, you are a man and a better, a far better man than I, for hear me confess, Tom Martin, I have never performed any one of these man's virtues. You have done nobly!" And I thrust five guineas into his work-hardened palm. "Well drown'd me!" he gasped, very much as if he were undergoing that watery ordeal. "Egad, sir! Lord love your eyes an' limbs "

Perhaps He is taking this way of showing you He forgives you. Pray to Him, Myrtella! Ask Him to do what's best for Chick, whatever it may be." Myrtella's head had sunken on her knees, and her coarse, work-hardened hands were clinging to Miss Lady's slender ones. Suddenly they both started. The elevator descended creakingly and halted beside them.

"Abe," she told him, "I can say what scarcely one mother in a thousand can say." He looked at her inquiringly. "You never gave me a cross word in your life. I reckon your mind and mine, that is " she laughed, embarrassed, "what little mind I had, seemed to run together." He reached over and laid a big hand on her knee. She put her wrinkled, work-hardened hand on his.

It was at the party at your uncle's that you said to me, when I was going in to supper, 'Mother, you might as well keep on your gloves. You were ashamed of my work-hardened hands." "Mother, mother!" The daughter covered her face and turned away.

It seems conceited priggish to suppose you'd care to own it, but if you really would care to " Mrs. Slawson closed one great, finely-formed, work-hardened fist over the delicate treasure, with a sort of ecstatic grab of appropriation. "Care to own it! You betcher life!

In the daytime, however, the "Thick One" held sway, which was the work-hardened palm of Mistress Bridget Connoway's hand. She was ambidextrous in correction "one was as good as t'other," as Jerry remarked, after he had done rubbing himself and comparing damages with his brother Phil, who had got the left.