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We staved off the keenest pangs of hunger by plundering an apple tree that dangled its ripe fruit invitingly over the road, and I haven't tasted anything so delicious before or since as those Wohelo apples, as we named them. The poor Glow-worm minus the one fender looked like a glow-worm with one wing off and the wobbling wheel gave it a tipsy appearance.

From sheer nervousness Nyoda began twisting up her felt outing hat in her hands. As she did so she came upon something hard in the inside of the crown. Investigating she drew out her Wohelo knife. "I had forgotten I had it in there," she said. "I put that pocket in my hat just for fun and slipped the knife in to see if it would go in."

The circle all lay down with their heads on each other's shoulders in the drowsy attitude with which the song closes, and then Gladys's clear voice rose in the melody of the Camp Fire Girls' own lullaby, sung to the music of an Ojibway love song: "In the still night, far, far below, The drowsy wavelets come and go, They weave a dream spell round Wohelo.

There was a moment of silence and then they sang a hearty cheer: "Oh, we cheer, oh, we cheer for Wohelo, For our comrades and friends so true, And our loyalty ever shall linger, Oh, Nakwisi, we sing to you! Oh, Chapa, we sing to you! Oh, Medmangi, we sing to you!" "Oh, Katherine, here's to you, Our hearts will e'er be true, We will never find your equal Though we search the whole world through!"

The girls looked at one another, but although they made no sign they knew what the wrong was. But they smiled at Mattie in the most friendly way, Nora grasping her by the hand said: "I hope yere sister will be after walkin' soon." Then came the Wohelo ceremony. Mattie came forward and lighted a branch, throwing it on the ashes, while Patty Sands knelt and lighted it chanting: "Wohelo means work.

Of course Betty has so many people she does not need me much now, but some day. Oh well, as she herself says, one never can tell just how things may turn out in this world." "Wohelo, Wohelo, Wohelo!" A far cry from several voices sounded across the fields and a few moments later Betty Ashton, Meg, Eleanor and Juliet Field came into view.

Above them she made a mystic sign by flattening the fingers of her right hand against those of her left, while slowly she revolved about them chanting: "Wohelo, Wohelo, Wohelo, in you lies the answer to all our difficulties," to the entire amazement of her small audience. "Much learning hath made her mad," sighed Polly mournfully, Betty being a notoriously poor student.

We glorify work because through work we are free. We work to win, to conquer, to be masters. We work for the joy of working and because we are free." Then she stepped back and Edith Overman came forward chanting and lighting another branch. "Wohelo means health.

If the other girls had been watching her as she read it they would have seen her clasp her hands together suddenly and draw in her breath sharply. Just then Nyoda's clear Wohelo call sounded, and she went with the rest into the circle around the fire.

"If that sort of thing is repeated many times, some of us probably will have to be taken care of," observed Julietta Hyde. "Listen!" Miss Ladd interrupted, and the occasion of her interruption did not call for explanation. All heard it. A moment later it was repeated. "Wohelo!" "No Camp Fire Girl ever made such a noise as that," said Helen Nash disdainfully.