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The beauty her features might have lacked in form was amply made up for by perfection of hue, which at this winter-time was the softened ruddiness on a surface of high rotundity that we meet with in a Terburg or a Gerard Douw; and, like the presentations of those great colourists, it was a face which kept well back from the boundary between comeliness and the ideal.

He'll never rest till he kills you. I wish you'd let him have the range." "Is it his?" "No, it belongs to us; we've got a lease on it from the government, and pay rent for it every year. Swan Carlson and the Hall boys have bluffed us out of it for the past three summers and run their sheep over here in the winter-time.

Sharing in their hovels and stables, with their squalor and smoke, he taught them how to improve them by adding chimneys and windows, and showed how warmth might be obtained more healthfully than by huddling together in winter-time with the cattle. He taught them manners, and especially greater respect for women, inculcating the lesson by his own gentleness and tender deference.

That's what I 'oped you'd say. 'Member what I says to you in the winter-time that night Mr. Fuller looked in for his bit o' rent about me gettin' of the fidgets in my legs? An' I says, 'Why not take to the road a bit, now and again? an' you says, 'We'll see about that, come summer. And 'ere is come summer.

"I haven't got anything to do with the lodgings," said Dick. "Tell 'em to call again." "Oh, but please will you come and show the lodgings?" returned the girl; "it's eighteen shillings a week, and us finding plate and linen. Boots and clothes is extra, and fires in winter-time is eightpence a day." "Why don't you show 'em yourself? You seem to know all about 'em," said Dick.

See, back there under the eaves there are a lot of klipsies. That's what they call their fox traps. Yes, this no doubt is the camp of a trapper or two who live here in the winter-time." "But where do they go in the summer?" asked John. "Probably to some of their own villages. It's almost too late now to trap foxes for their furs, so the chances are there will be no one here until next winter."

They did not shake off the snow from their clothes. A great stillness had set in. There was nothing to be seen of any bird although some do flit to and fro through the forest in winter-time and the children on their way to Millsdorf had even heard some twitter. The whole forest seemed deserted.

The high-streets, especially in winter-time, were annoyed by hourly frays of sword and buckler-men; but these were suddenly suppressed when the more deadly fight with rapier and dagger came in. The streets were entirely unlighted and dangerous at night, and for this reason the plays at the theatres were given at three in the afternoon. In 1524, and for years after, was used this rhyme

This is a fierce old place in winter-time." "I can't imagine it," he said, indicating the glowing amphitheater which inclosed the lake. "See how warmly the sun falls into that high basin! It's all as beautiful as the Tyrol."

This Slim wandered about the streets of New York in the winter-time without any shelter, and would get into an office building late in the afternoon, and hide in one of the lavatories to spend the night.