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In the case of General Ople, it was partly her whippings of him, partly her penetration; her ability, that sat so finely on a wealthy woman, her indifference to conventional manners, that so well beseemed a nobly-born one, and more than all, her correction of his little weaknesses and incompetencies, in spite of his dislike of it, won him.

So I took him by the hand and led him to headquarters for whippings, the bench in the shipping department, where a pretty scrappy lot of boys were employed to run errands, and told the boss to take him on. I wasn't out of hearing before one kid said, "I choose him," and another, whom they called the Breakfast-Food Baby, because he was so strong, answered, "Naw; I seen him first."

Plummer, my attention had not been called, especially, to the gross features of slavery. I had, of course, heard of whippings and of savage rencontres between overseers and slaves, but I had always been out of the way at the times and places of their occurrence.

He did not strike her, however, but took her roughly by the arm, and set her down very hard upon the bench; then he said again, 'Wait, I will teach you! "It was the end of that, however. He did not touch Andrew again, and every thing passed off quietly that day. But the tears that Marie had shed for Andrew, and her protest against the whippings, were not forgotten.

Had she told him that if he asked a second time, she would put him to bed directly and had she kept her promise, in spite of entreaties she would have saved him a whipping, and herself a great deal of unnecessary trouble. And who can calculate all the whippings, and all the trouble, she would have spared herself and him?

"That the world should have been circumnavigated, ladies and gentles, were matter enough of jubilation to the student of Herodotus and Plato, Plinius and ahem! much more when the circumnavigators are Britons; more, again, when Damnonians." "Don't swear, master," said young Will Cary. "Gulielme Cary, Gulielme Cary, hast thou forgotten thy " "Whippings? Never, old lad!

Then a smaller boy emerged from the bushes at the side of the road, and I beheld the unmistakable lineaments of Toddie. "They're my nephews!" I gasped. "Budge," I said, with all the sternness I could command; "do you know me?" "Yes; you're Uncle Harry. Did you bring us anything?" "I wish I could have brought you some big whippings for behaving so badly. Get into this carriage."

I was destined, when only ten years of age, to succeed the ambassador to Greece, an uncle of mine, who was full of years and honors, and wished to retire on half pay, like an invalid soldier or gouty bishop. You will see the reason why I was supplied with Greek roots, until I thought my brain would turn in digging them. But tasks and whippings were in vain.

I was so glad, for they won't be back again for a good long while, and Meerta and Bungo won't get any more hard knocks, and whippings, till they come back." "Ha! they won't come back in a hurry not these ones at least," said Sam in a voice that frightened Letta, inducing her to cling closer to Robin.

When they whip a slave they make him pull off his shirt, if he has one, then make him lie down on his face, and taking their stand at the length of the lash, they inflict the punishment. Whippings are so universal that a negro that has not been whipped is talked of in all the region as a wonder.