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"Hello, Jack," said the saloonkeeper, when he entered they call all foreigners and unskilled men "Jack" in Packingtown. "Where've you been?" Jurgis went straight to the bar. "I've been in jail," he said, "and I've just got out. I walked home all the way, and I've not a cent, and had nothing to eat since this morning. And I've lost my home, and my wife's ill, and I'm done up."

Bacon is eastern Massachusetts delegate from the State Grange. She's Grand Excited Matron. Just think of treatin' her that way! Well, where've you been all the forenoon?" The question was addressed to her brother, who entered the house by the side door at that moment. Kenelm seemed a trifle confused. "I I been lookin' for that umbrella, Hannah," he explained.

I found an opportunity to go up the other staircase a little later the Youngster was an old pet of mine, and off and on, I had mothered him. I tapped at the door. "Can't come in!" he cried. "Where've you been?" "Wait there a minute and mum . I'll tell you."

The moon was high over the valley before he said aloud: "O Esther! Esther! The years are long!" Then he too mounted and rode away. As Doug trotted through Rodman's door-yard, Inez crossed toward the corral. "Hello, Doug! Where've you been? What's the matter with Buster?" Douglas drew up. "I gave him to Judith." "Why, you blank little fool! It must have hurt you deep!" "I guess Judith's worth it!

At the earliest possible moment after supper, Nancy crept up the back stairs and thence to the attic room. "Bread and milk, indeed! and when the poor lamb hain't only just cried herself to sleep," she was muttering fiercely, as she softly pushed open the door. The next moment she gave a frightened cry. "Where are you? Where've you gone?

But as Lucy turned down the driveway and the door of the Howe homestead closed, a tragic babel of voices reached her ear, piping in shrill staccato the single word: "Jane!" When Lucy reached home she found her aunt in the sitting room bending disapprovingly over the basket of undarned stockings. "I see you haven't touched these," she observed, in a chiding tone. "Where've you been?"

Ella called her into her bed-room as she passed the door, by humming the Wedding-march. "Tum-TUM-ti-tum! Tum TUM-ti-tum!" sang Ella, and Susan, uneasy but smiling, went to the doorway and looked in. "Come in, Sue," said Ella, pausing in the act of inserting a large bare arm into a sleeve almost large enough to accommodate Susan's head. "Where've you been all this time?

"Where's the money? I want it. Now, where've you put it?" "Go on," said Mr. Chase, with a chuckle. "Go on. Don't mind me. You ought to be on the stage, Gussie, that's where you ought to be." "I'm not joking," said Mr. Teak, in a trembling voice, "and I don't want you to joke with me. If you think you are going off with my money, you're mistook.

"Where you been?" she asked. The bitterness must have left him, for he only said: "Nowhere. Where've you been?" Oh, but the look on his face must have warned her; she said no more, but went into the house. He followed her. "Look here," he said, and asked her straight out, "What d'you mean by taking off those rings?"

But he stopped short as he came face to face with the sexton who was just crossing the porch. "Here, you! Where've you been? What you been up to?" cried the man, clutching at him angrily, but the boy was too quick. He ducked suddenly, slipped under the sexton's hands and darted across the porch and down the steps. Then he stopped to call back,